Yes, creating a doc is a great next step to solving this. Thanks for doing that.

Now that there is a doc to read, I think the goals are wrong. I suggest the 

- enable releases to happen at a faster pace and lower cost
- enable users to easily obtain the latest-and-greatest
- clearly communicate to users what they have, so they can easily understand 
how what they currently have differs from the latest-and-greatest
- (keep the hypotheticals as-is, since they make helpful specific stories)

If folks agree, I can make that change in the doc.

If we don't start with the right goals, then the rest of the conversation is 

On Oct 7, 2014, at 11:51 AM, Michal Mocny <> wrote:

> Created a doc to summarize.  Trying to keep it concise and free of
> opinions/conclusions, only context & goals.

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