Please review and vote on this Tools Release.

Release issue:

Packages have been published to dist/dev:
And to npm under @rc tag

To test them out you can use:
    npm -g uninstall cordova
    npm -g install cordova@rc

The packages were published from their corresponding git tags:
    cordova-js: 3.7.2 (7afadfc044)
    cordova-lib: 4.1.2 (83a2f3779f)
    cordova-plugman: 0.22.16 (d674ecf98e)
    cordova-cli: 4.1.2 (58b59ea786)

Upon a successful vote I will upload the archives to dist/, publish them to
NPM (under @latest tag), and post the corresponding blog post.

Voting guidelines:

I vote +1:
* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos
* tested with npm test and mobilespec on Android

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