Mark Koudritsky wrote:
>Thanks for testing everyone, sending out an official results email
>soon. Josh thanks for the fixes in blog post. I've merged them in.

> The blog
>post pull request also contains a change
>to the win certificate post which I didn't merge. Windows people, please
>take a look at it.

I considered making that a distinct pull request, but since it was
referenced by the other blog thing, it made some sense to me to include it
— I regret this

>Anyone knows why the pull request still shows commits that are already
>merged in? I had the impression that GitHub pull request should be the
>    git log master..jsoref/2014-11-10-tools-release
>which only shows one commit that is not yet merged

Apparently github is just "special"

"github does not look for partial merges"
"it's a downside of the caching strategy"


I was given advice about a possible workaround to get things to somewhere

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