Fun survey! Other highlights:

The more things change, the more likely it is those things are written in
JavaScript with NotePad++ on a Windows machine (theme: dark) using Git, and
tabs instead of spaces.

users who have 10,000 rep or more prefer spaces to tabs at a ratio of 3 to

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Treggiari, Leo <>

> The data below is from a StackOverflow Developer Survey (
> Most Dreaded technologies:
> Salesforce           73.2%
> Visual Basic        72.0%
> Wordpress         68.2%
> Matlab                 65.6%
> Sharepoint         62.8%
> LAMP                    62.2%
> Perl                        59.2%
> Cordova               58.8%                  **************
> Coffeescript       54.7%
> Other                    57.3%
> % of devs who are developing with the language or tech but have not
> expressed interest in continuing to do so.
> Any ideas on what the problem is?  Here are some possible answers.  I'm
> not suggesting that any of these are true, but rather looking for feedback
> from those who have heard developers express frustration with Cordova:
> *        There is no problem - unclear question led to the answer
> *        The problem is really about creating native apps in JavaScript +
> *        Cordova CLI has a quality problem (learnability | usability |
> reliability)
> o   Too hard to set up development environment
> o   The command CLI is too complicated
> o   Not enough learning material (documentation, articles, books)
> o   Too many bugs
> o   Changes too frequently
> Leo

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