If no one else has time to do something with this list by the time I get free 
of my current stress-pile (say a couple weeks from now), I would love to take a 
crack at it. An FAQ with not just the list, but actual solutions and examples 
would be a great resource.

Even if someone else does it, I might use it as the basis for a series of blog 
posts or something. It’s such a good summary of people’s frustrations. I would 
probably even have one or two to add from the #phonegap IRC channel.. :/

tommy-carlos williams

On 14 April 2015 at 08:16:56, Josh Soref (jso...@blackberry.com) wrote:

So, I want someone to make this into a FAQ, somehow.  

I don't have time today, but it's a really great list.  

Bonus points for getting it Stickied at the top of StackOverflow.  

(obviously, it should include some explanation of how to correct these things,  
and thankfully most are pretty easy to address.)  

Some are probably asking for samples (e.g. a "how to do things slowly/choppily  
w/ left: vs. how to use CSS transitions" -- Raymond?)  

Julio wrote an amazing summary of Cordova Stack Overflow posts:  
> I read most of the questions with cordova tag on stackoverflow and the  
> questions on the google group and I see this problems.  
> - Some people don't read the docs  
> - Some people read the wrong docs (they use cordova 2.9.1 because it's the  
> latest they can download, but read the edge docs and things don't work as  
> expected)  
> - Some people follow old tutorials instead of reading the docs and the  
> things have changed a lot and don't work.  
> - Some people don't need cordova but use it anyway, they just want a  
> webview to show their website  
> - Some people use j***** ****** (I don't want to name it either) and blame  
> cordova for the slowness  
> - With cordova everybody can create apps, but configuring the PATH isn't  
> easy for most people, a lot of questions are realated to this, they didn't  
> configure the PATH, they did it but wrong, they don't know they have to set  
> it (see my first point)  
> - People is still confused about the difference between phonegap, cordova  
> and phonegap build service, I see people using phonegap CLI for local  
> development but try to "install" the plugins putting the phonegap build  
> plugin config line on the config.xml (again, people don't read or don't  
> understand the docs)  
> - People want to use eclipse (now android studio) for the development, they  
> google and see blog post about a plugin, but that plugin is very old and  
> uses phonegap 1.x.x (see my second point)  
> - People is having troubles connecting with the server, some of them  
> because use localhost as the url, others because they don't configure the  
> whitelist properly, others for unknow reasons.  
> - Some of them discover bugs, but instead of reporting them so it can be  
> fixed, just ask on stackoverflow why it doesn't work.  
> - Most people don't know how to debug, then if something doesn't work just  
> complain.  
> - Some people forget to link the cordova.js file, they create the project  
> and replace the index.html with the index.html of their website.  
> - Some people blame cordova when the problem is the webview (old android  
> devices).  
> About people that used cordova and are now developing in native, I bet most  
> of them tried cordova on android 2.x.x with j***** ****** and it was slow,  
> they read the articles about facebook and linkedin dropping html5 and  
> switching to native and did the same, and after the effort they put on  
> learning native development they don't wan't to go back and will tell  
> everybody cordova is bad because it was slow when they tried it years ago.  

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