I read most of the questions with cordova tag on stackoverflow and the
questions on the google group and I see this problems.

- Some people don't read the docs
- Some people read the wrong docs (they use cordova 2.9.1 because it's the
latest they can download, but read the edge docs and things don't work as
- Some people follow old tutorials instead of reading the docs and the
things have changed a lot and don't work.
- Some people don't need cordova but use it anyway, they just want a
webview to show their website
- Some people use j***** ****** (I don't want to name it either) and blame
cordova for the slowness
- With cordova everybody can create apps, but configuring the PATH isn't
easy for most people, a lot of questions are realated to this, they didn't
configure the PATH, they did it but wrong, they don't know they have to set
it (see my first point)
- People is still confused about the difference between phonegap, cordova
and phonegap build service, I see people using phonegap CLI for local
development but try to "install" the plugins putting the phonegap build
plugin config line on the config.xml (again, people don't read or don't
understand the docs)
- People want to use eclipse (now android studio) for the development, they
google and see blog post about a plugin, but that plugin is very old and
uses phonegap 1.x.x (see my second point)
- People is having troubles connecting with the server, some of them
because use localhost as the url, others because they don't configure the
whitelist properly, others for unknow reasons.
- Some of them discover bugs, but instead of reporting them so it can be
fixed, just ask on stackoverflow why it doesn't work.
- Most people don't know how to debug, then if something doesn't work just
- Some people forget to link the cordova.js file, they create the project
and replace the index.html with the index.html of their website.
- Some people blame cordova when the problem is the webview (old android

About people that used cordova and are now developing in native, I bet most
of them tried cordova on android 2.x.x with j***** ****** and it was slow,
they read the articles about facebook and linkedin dropping html5 and
switching to native and did the same, and after the effort they put on
learning native development they don't wan't to go back and will tell
everybody cordova is bad because it was slow when they tried it years ago.

2015-04-09 0:02 GMT+02:00 Dmitry Blotsky <dblot...@microsoft.com>:

> Here is a short thing I found recently on this topic:
> http://coenraets.org/keypoint/phonegap-performance/#0
> Kindly,
> - Dmitry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Freeman [mailto:ty...@drumpants.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 1:12 PM
> To: dev@cordova.apache.org; Michael Brooks
> Subject: Re: Does Cordova have a problem making developers happy?
> I think what colors people's perception the most is the graphics and
> interaction performance of JS vs Native. Here's a few possible reasons:
> * They are basing their bias off Phonegap apps they saw 3 years ago. Even
> though it's improved so much since then, those first apps still hang in
> people's minds.
> * Developers are not trying hard enough for that smooth, buttery
> animations. It is possible to get 60fps on modern WebKit views, but it's
> hard and takes a lot of work.
> * For instance, I came across an article once that recommended using CSS
> transforms instead of properties like "left". That changed my whole way of
> thinking, and my app looks and reacts so much better because of it. I think
> it would be good for the Cordova docs to lay out tips like that for making
> top-notch apps.
> * Non-native feel and interactions. Some apps just port their iOS-style
> design straight to Android without considering that Android users expect a
> completely different paradigm. Not sure there's much to do about this.
> Tyler
> On April 8, 2015 9:42:00 AM PDT, Michael Brooks <mich...@michaelbrooks.ca>
> wrote:
> >This is a really interesting survey. My take is that the score is low
> >because over 50% of the participants are Windows users and the default
> >Cordova experience on Windows is extremely unconventional - Git Bash,
> >Node.js Command Prompt, terminal command driven development, and no
> >full blown IDE. The Microsoft team is dramatically improving this and
> >as Visual Studio integration becomes more well known, I hope those
> >survey results improve.
> >
> >On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Toplak Daniel <d.top...@cadenas.de>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Absolutely right :-)
> >>
> >> Cordova is too easy in some situations and most of the developers
> >using
> >> cordova (not the cordova developers itself) are knowing nothing about
> >the
> >> plugin system under the hood, or anything about the JS->Native->JS
> >bridge.
> >> They even don't know anything about the asynchronos communitcation
> >with
> >> plugins.
> >>
> >> In most situations this is absolutely ok, but if anything special is
> >> needed or something goes wrong, then they have a problem.
> >>
> >> The other thing is that there are some JS frameworks/libs which are
> >not
> >> the best for mobile devices. No I don't name anyone of that :-)
> >>
> >> My point of view is, that they don't see the real power of the
> >cordova
> >> framework and create sloppy/buggy UI's.
> >>
> >> Daniel Toplak
> >>
> >> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> >> Von: Joe Bowser [mailto:bows...@gmail.com]
> >> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. April 2015 17:56
> >> An: dev@cordova.apache.org
> >> Betreff: Re: Does Cordova have a problem making developers happy?
> >>
> >> Cordova is the most hated form of Mobile Development, because
> >everyone can
> >> create a Cordova app, and the quality of most Cordova applications is
> >> absolutely terrible.  If you're inheriting a Cordova application from
> >> another company, you're probably going to end up re-writing it and if
> >> you're an iOS or Android shop, re-implementing it natively because
> >that's
> >> what you're more comfortable with.
> >>
> >> And I'm perfectly OK with that.
> >>
> >> Wordpress and LAMP stacks aren't going away any time soon, and both
> >those
> >> technologies share the same property that anyone can create a shitty
> >> website.  We've been called the Drupal of development for a reason,
> >and at
> >> the time we were called that, I took it as an insult because I think
> >Drupal
> >> is shitty (I once inherited a bad Drupal project).  I don't think we
> >should
> >> care what developers say in a survey, since most developers are
> >terrible
> >> anyway.  We should just make sure that what we're releasing isn't
> >terrible.
> >>
> >> On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:03 AM Treggiari, Leo
> ><leo.treggi...@intel.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > The data below is from a StackOverflow Developer Survey (
> >> > http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2015).
> >> >
> >> > Most Dreaded technologies:
> >> > Salesforce           73.2%
> >> > Visual Basic        72.0%
> >> > Wordpress         68.2%
> >> > Matlab                 65.6%
> >> > Sharepoint         62.8%
> >> > LAMP                    62.2%
> >> > Perl                        59.2%
> >> > Cordova               58.8%                  **************
> >> > Coffeescript       54.7%
> >> > Other                    57.3%
> >> > % of devs who are developing with the language or tech but have not
> >> > expressed interest in continuing to do so.
> >> >
> >> > Any ideas on what the problem is?  Here are some possible answers.
> >> > I'm not suggesting that any of these are true, but rather looking
> >for
> >> > feedback from those who have heard developers express frustration
> >with
> >> Cordova:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > *        There is no problem - unclear question led to the answer
> >> >
> >> > *        The problem is really about creating native apps in
> >JavaScript +
> >> > HTML5
> >> >
> >> > *        Cordova CLI has a quality problem (learnability |
> >usability |
> >> > reliability)
> >> >
> >> > o   Too hard to set up development environment
> >> >
> >> > o   The command CLI is too complicated
> >> >
> >> > o   Not enough learning material (documentation, articles, books)
> >> >
> >> > o   Too many bugs
> >> >
> >> > o   Changes too frequently
> >> >
> >> > Leo
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> Tyler Freeman
> CTO, DrumPants, Inc.
> Sent from mobile
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