-- Feedback requested for a proposed Cordova website redesign at

-- The redesign was influenced by interviews with 300+ mobile
developers. From these conversations, we identified six top level

1. Establish that Cordova is an active project relevant to developers
in 2016 (the future!)

2. Show the potential of hybrid apps by highlighting some rock star-quality apps

3. Demonstrate critical mass by sharing a diverse set of tools and
businesses that have “made a bet” on Cordova

4. Improve developer’s first experience with Cordova by adding quick
start instructions and explanatory text for key concepts (e.g.

5. Increase community participation by raising the visibility of
public forums (e.g. Slack, StackOverflow, Twitter)

6. Maintain consistency with the current website (i.e. branding and
content parity)

---- The long read ----

Grab a cup of coffee. This is a long one.

As some of you may know, several committers from the Seattle area
(including Nikhil, Parashuram and I) have just completed a long series
of interviews with mobile developers. In the past three months, I’ve
personally interviewed over 100 developers. The team has collectively
interviewed closer to 300. We learned a lot and hope to share a
summary (with infographics!) of our insights soon. In the meantime, I
want to share one of the more poignant quotes from one interview. When
asked, “How can we make your job easier?”, one Cordova developer

“Take the stigma away from hybrid development. I can prove that it’s
the right tool for the job, but I have to prove it over-and-over
again. I wish that I didn’t have to have the same conversation every
time I want to use Cordova with a new manager or client.” -- Murali,
Cordova Developer

There are lots of ways to solve this problem, but one of the easier
and more visible ways is through Cordova’s front-door. The Cordova
website has served us well for the last 5+ years, but I believe a
redesign could help us address some pain points in the community. To
put it simply, we have a public perception problem.

“It’s hard to argue for Cordova when there are few examples of it
being successfully used.” -- Gary, Ionic Developer

Developers and architects are looking for examples of good development
to prove that high-quality, fast apps are possible. So, we thought it
might be good to highlight some rock star-quality apps on the home
page. Anyone can submit a PR to add their app so long as it appears in
a public store and uses Cordova. If the list of apps gets too long
(and it will), then we’ll randomize display. The same is true for a
list of tools and platforms that build on top of Cordova.

“There are so many layers to cross-platform development, it’s hard to
know how they all fit together. It’s even harder to know if you’re
missing a critical piece.” -- Mike, Cordova Developer

By itself, the website redesign won’t address this problem. We need
some good architectural docs that not only illustrate how Cordova
works, but also how it integrates with the larger ecosystem (e.g.
Crosswalk). However, we’re also hoping that by adding a little more
“hand-holding” on the site, we can help developers achieve success
faster. For example, we provide simple instructions for “Getting
Started” on the home page. And, on the Plugins page, we provide a
quick explanation of plugins’ role in Cordova development.

“It’s not clear where I can go for support.” -- Geoff, Cordova Developer

Okay…  none of us want to provide customer support for the whole
community, but I want to make it easy for people to find the
community. To that end, our goal was to integrate prominent pointers
to all the places where our community aggregates – e.g. Slack,
StackOverflow, JIRA and mailing list.

Change for the sake of change is… well, for people with more time on
their hands than me, but this seems like the right time for a change
to the Cordova website. There’s a compelling developer need and little
risk in making the change.

Barring any grievous concerns, I'd love to get the new site launched
ASAP. If we need to make small changes after launch, it will be easy
to iterate. If you see any bugs that need to be fixed, please file
them here:

I open the floor to discussion ;-)

Ryan J. Salva

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