Is there a PR ready for this to land?

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 12:04 PM, Simon MacDonald <
> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'd like to suggest that we add a new Android preference. It would be a
> boolean preference, to control whether or not to run the Google Services
> Plugin.
> A number of plugins need to have this gradle plugin run during build time
> and they are handling it via a gradle file included in their plugin like
> this:
> master/src/android/FCMPlugin.gradle
> but that falls down if two plugins try to apply GoogleServicesPlugin.
> The way to mitigate that right now is to have dependency on
> cordova-support-google-services so it will only run once.
> <dependency id="cordova-support-google-services" version="~1.1.0"/>
> However, it makes sense for this to be a preference in cordova-android.
> Perhaps,
> <preference name="android-RunGoogleServicesPlugin" value="true"/>
> If the value is true, then we apply the GoogleServicesPlugin.
> Simon Mac Donald

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