On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Michael McDaniel <couc...@autosys.us> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 09:30:58AM +1030, Antony Blakey wrote:
>> On 23/01/2009, at 9:15 AM, Noah Slater wrote:
>>> I think that the links and content on our website should aim to be
>>> family
>>> friendly and work safe, as vague as that may be. I wasn't proposing a
>>> set of
>>> hard and fast rules for determining what is or isn't safe by these
>>> standards. As
>>> a community, we would have to judge each one on a case by case basis.
>>> That's essentially what this thread was meant to be about. What does
>>> the
>>> community think? Is this link okay or not?
>> OK, my vote is that we avoid any judgement. Each link should have a
>> brief explanation both of what it is - and that's as simple as 'porn
>> site' - and how it uses couch i.e. justification for it's inclusion on
>> that page.
>> I think that not only improves the utility of the page, but also means
>> you won't be clicking on any link at work and be surprised to find naked
>> people. Also, it would require more effort by people submitting a link -
>> if the explanation of how couch is used isn't detailed enough, then the
>> link isn't accepted.
>> Furthermore, the page should have an explicit disclaimer at the top of
>> the page about it NOT being an endorsement, and warning people to read
>> the site description.
>> IMO this would allow us to strictly focus on the technical criteria of
>> that page, whilst still allowing people to avoid opening any link that
>> is unsuitable either for them or their environment.
>> Personally, I'd like to see some porn site links on that page. Porn
>> sites have particular operation/traffic requirements, and if I saw that
>> CouchDB was suitable for that, I'd be more comfortable about building a
>> media server on CouchDB.
>> Antony Blakey
>> --------------------------
>> CTO, Linkuistics Pty Ltd
>> Ph: 0438 840 787
>> The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the
>> intelligent are full of doubt.
>>   -- Bertrand Russell
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>  I am in agreement with what Antony has written above, and I vote to
>  eliminate judgement as well.
>  If a description does not include a suitably detailed explanation
>  of how CouchDB is being used, then it does not meet the required
>  criteria for being on the page.  Also, the site description must be
>  descriptive and unambiguous.

I think a link to a blog post or other document that explains how
couchdb is used would be just as good (if not better) than an on-page
explanation. I do think it's polite if your page could potentially be
"nsfw" to put a clear description of that fact on the listing.

Chris Anderson

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