On Feb 25, 2009, at 12:16 AM, Chris Anderson wrote:

Currently, there is no way for an html attachment to a design document
to link to other resources provided by that design document, absent
client side scripting, or hardcoding the design document name in the
html (neither of which are acceptable).

If you are the HTML hosted at /db/_design/foo/index.html and you want
to provide browsers a link to /db/_view/foo/bar?limit=10 you can't.
You can link to other attachments in the same design document, very

One way to fix this it to give the resources made available by a
design document a common root. This means we can use hrefs like
"_show/docid" to link to a show function from an attachment.  So we
get paths like this:


The downside is that the URLs are longer (and that the change would
break all clients), the upside is the ability to link from one to the
other (and thus be part of the web).

I think I'm in favor of doing it the longer way. It's more consistent. It will break stuff every client library that uses views, but each will be easy to fix.


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