2009/2/25 Chris Anderson <jch...@apache.org>:
> Devs,


> One way to fix this it to give the resources made available by a
> design document a common root. This means we can use hrefs like
> "_show/docid" to link to a show function from an attachment.  So we
> get paths like this:
> /db/_design/foo/_view/bar?limit=10
> /db/_design/foo/_show/docid
> /db/_design/foo/index.html
> The downside is that the URLs are longer (and that the change would
> break all clients), the upside is the ability to link from one to the
> other (and thus be part of the web).

Since it allow relative urls i like this schema. I don't thin that url
length is a problem. Urls could be easily rewritten and we may add add
a url resolver that would consider views/shows/lists as endpoint I

> == A related question ==


> Currently listing the available apps takes quite a few HTTP requests
> (Futon has to load all the design documents in each DB). If CouchDB
> wanted to support CouchApps more directly, it could provide a JSON
> resource at /db/_design/ that lists all design docs, along with the
> absolute path to their start page, if they have one.

To list all databases I would for the damien's solution, ie a database
that act as a directory . Maybe this directory could be created
dynamically: each time a new design doc is created we could detected a
couchapp property and then add to the directory. When it's
deleted/updated same process ?

- benoît

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