On 05.03.2009, at 23:34, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
On 5 Mar 2009, at 21:38, Christopher Lenz wrote:
Actually, I'd go even further, and suggest that the "show" and "list" features should be part of that CouchApp plugin, and not actually included with CouchDB itself. You really only need those features when you're developing CouchApp-style applications. Moving them into a corresponding plugin would help keep CouchDB itself lean and clean.

show and list are useful in the non-couchapp case. a list gives you RSS/Atom feeds on views (say blog posts or events) for free. a show would help you to mangle your data for other systems that e.g. like to consume XML. I like that this can be done without a middleware layer.

I'm +1 on modularizing additional features on the Erlang level, but show & list I'd consider core CouchDB and -1 on making them optional.

"core" is a strong word for something where you just said "I like that this can be done without a middleware layer".

I'm not convinced. I'm talking about the case where you already have "middleware" anyway -- if you don't, you have a CouchApp-style app. Generating Atom, HTML, and such is pretty darn convenient for me with Python and Genshi, I don't think moving that into CouchDB show/list functions will buy me anything. And since I'm hiding CouchDB itself behind that middleware I'd have to proxy the CouchDB responses through it anyway.

Note that I'm just stating my opinion, I knew it'd be controversial, especially with the CouchApp fans :P I'm totally willing to accept the majority preference here, which seems pretty clearly in favor of show/list in core.

Christopher Lenz
  cmlenz at gmx.de

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