On 30 Mar 2010, at 00:15, Mark Hammond wrote:

> * The test suite does not pass on Windows due to issues compacting and 
> deleting databases and views.  There was a suggestion we can't have an 
> "official" release where the tests fail.  While a fix for this is in the 
> pipeline, it isn't in 0.11.  While this has been true since 0.10 and all 
> throughout the earlier discussions about an official Windows release, it 
> appears to now be a show-stopper.

The test suite forms a contract between ourselves, and our users. If they are 
failing, then they are largely useless for that purpose. I regard failing tests 
to be blockers for the release. If that means that we remove a test until we 
can get it to pass, then so be it.

> * I was on 10 days vacation recently.  Even though the 0.11 release process 
> took many weeks, I was in email contact for the entire time and I returned 
> from vacation the same day the vote results were announced, it was felt that 
> this was enough to cause Windows to be dropped from the 0.11 voting 
> procedure.  Given the delays already encountered in this release, I'm 
> disappointed this position was taken, but cest-la-vie.

Delays should not beget delays.

I felt that given the circumstances, 0.11 could be the release that lets 
Windows support "simmer" in the wild. You will notice that the documentation 
included now mentions Windows as a first class platform for the software. There 
are a number of issues with the Windows build that ideally need fixing, and I 
created a ticket for one of them. It is my hope that by the time of the next 
release, we may be in the position to include the Windows binaries.

> * The couchdb windows builds includes non ASF binaries - for example, 
> binaries for erlang itself are included, and even though most are built 
> locally as part of the release process, there was a concern about legal 
> issues in providing such binaries.  IANAL and have no desire to play on one 
> TV, so I have no capability of either assessing nor resolving this.

This needs to be brought up on legal. Would you do the honours?

> I don't think there is anything I can personally do to help resolve any these 
> issues, so I hope someone here can help to get a Windows installer back on 
> track.

It hasn't faltered! This release is the most Windows-y of them all. We just 
have to keep on keeping on! Please check JIRA for Windows related bugs, and see 
how many we can fix before the next release is proposed. I have no problem 
including the Windows binaries, as long as legal approves. The timing of your 
holiday was unfortunate, and as I already mentioned, I think a little bit of 
simmering might help. Feel free to advertise the availability in whatever 
medium you think will get the biggest audience. The more eyeballs the better.

> The last issue mentioned is of particular concern to me - if there are any 
> legal issues around this, the same legal issues presumably apply to me 
> personally, which implies it would be prudent for me to stop creating couchdb 
> binary snapshots (and also to remove the old existing ones) until it is 
> resolved.

Bring up the issue on legal, and see what they say.

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