I'm on it.

Mark, aside from Erlang, Spidermonkey and ICU, are there any other pieces in 
the installer, like Windows dev-tools/libs?


On 31 Mar 2010, at 13:00, Noah Slater wrote:

> On 31 Mar 2010, at 02:03, Mark Hammond wrote:
>> Great - it can be found at http://people.apache.org/~mhammond/dist/0.11.0/
> Would you like to call the vote on this yourself? If you prepared the Windows 
> artefacts, and called the vote, that should remove the dependancy chain 
> between me and you - as well as speeding things up quite a bit, and taking a 
> little bit of the load of my back. Can I just double check that you prepared 
> this from THE source artefact?
>> Sorry, but this needs to be undertaken by someone who actually believes 
>> there is an issue and can articulate it.
> Not true, it just needs to be done by someone who understands how the package 
> is built.
> The purpose of legal-discuss is for developers who generally don't know or 
> care about the legal things to get a "yea" or a "nay" from people who do. It 
> would be enough simply for you to tell them what you've put into the 
> artefact, and how it's built, and then just ask them for a thumbs up before 
> the vote.
> To re-itterate, you don't have to think there is a problem, or describe any 
> legal issue. All you have to do is provide a description of how you packaged 
> CouchDB for Windows, and ask them for approval. They may ask you a few 
> technical questions (ones which I could not answer, for example - and I don't 
> fancy playing chinese whispers for people) to get clarification on a few 
> points - but it shouldn't be anything you can't answer.
> If you're going to be part of the release process here, it would make sense 
> for you to get involved with legal-discuss.

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