On 31/03/2010 10:09 PM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
I'm on it.

Mark, aside from Erlang, Spidermonkey and ICU, are there any other
pieces in the installer, like Windows dev-tools/libs?

libcurl is still in the build instructions even though I'm not sure it is currently used. The MS C runtime libraries are also included, but they are a requirement for practically all binaries built with the MS compiler, so is almost certainly already distributed with the Apache web server etc...



Cheers Jan --

On 31 Mar 2010, at 13:00, Noah Slater wrote:

On 31 Mar 2010, at 02:03, Mark Hammond wrote:

Great - it can be found at

Would you like to call the vote on this yourself? If you prepared
the Windows artefacts, and called the vote, that should remove the
dependancy chain between me and you - as well as speeding things up
quite a bit, and taking a little bit of the load of my back. Can I
just double check that you prepared this from THE source artefact?

Sorry, but this needs to be undertaken by someone who actually
believes there is an issue and can articulate it.

Not true, it just needs to be done by someone who understands how
the package is built.

The purpose of legal-discuss is for developers who generally don't
know or care about the legal things to get a "yea" or a "nay" from
people who do. It would be enough simply for you to tell them what
you've put into the artefact, and how it's built, and then just ask
them for a thumbs up before the vote.

To re-itterate, you don't have to think there is a problem, or
describe any legal issue. All you have to do is provide a
description of how you packaged CouchDB for Windows, and ask them
for approval. They may ask you a few technical questions (ones
which I could not answer, for example - and I don't fancy playing
chinese whispers for people) to get clarification on a few points -
but it shouldn't be anything you can't answer.

If you're going to be part of the release process here, it would
make sense for you to get involved with legal-discuss.

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