On 14 Jun 2010, at 23:18, Jan Lehnardt wrote:

>> To make sure I understand... did we agree to branch 1.0 from trunk?
> Nope, we agreed to cut 1.0 from 0.11.x. 0.11.x was in disarray for a brief 
> time but my latest commits are supposed to have fixed that. I think we should 
> go ahead and branch 1.0.x from 0.11.x after applying and merging what we 
> believe are the last patches that need to make it into 1,0.0. I should be 
> ready with this for my end by tomorrow night CEST.

And done :) 

Which other issues or patches that are not in 0.11.x yet do 
you think need to be addressed before we branch 1.0? I'd
like to hear from everybody here, especially the 


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