#2 issue of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-793

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 14 Jun 2010, at 23:18, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
> >> To make sure I understand... did we agree to branch 1.0 from trunk?
> >
> > Nope, we agreed to cut 1.0 from 0.11.x. 0.11.x was in disarray for a
> brief time but my latest commits are supposed to have fixed that. I think we
> should go ahead and branch 1.0.x from 0.11.x after applying and merging what
> we believe are the last patches that need to make it into 1,0.0. I should be
> ready with this for my end by tomorrow night CEST.
> And done :)
> Which other issues or patches that are not in 0.11.x yet do
> you think need to be addressed before we branch 1.0? I'd
> like to hear from everybody here, especially the
> non-committers.
> Cheers
> Jan
> --

Filipe David Manana,

"Reasonable men adapt themselves to the world.
Unreasonable men adapt the world to themselves.
That's why all progress depends on unreasonable men."

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