The last thing we need is a data recovery tool that trashes data. 

It's REALLY important we get this right!

/me cheers from the sidelines ;)

On 12 Aug 2010, at 18:47, Robert Dionne wrote:

> I download Jason's escripts, ran the make, and tested against the 1.0.0 
> release, created a few bad dbs and also tested against a couple of good ones. 
> It all looked good on OS X.
> The final solution ended up to be only ~118 lines of code, which I spent a 
> couple of hours looking over, to check as well as to refresh my memory of 
> couchdb internals. There's several dead functions in the file I'd recommend 
> removing, or commenting out, as some users may want to read the code.
> It's probably already been done by all the committers, as well as others, and 
> I suspect a few have it burnt into their brain's ram by now, but I'd also 
> suggest as many people as possible who know the internals take a hard look at 
> those 118 lines. You know, eyeballs, bla... 
> On Aug 12, 2010, at 1:18 PM, J Chris Anderson wrote:
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 2:14 PM, Jason Smith wrote:
>>> Hi, Jason.
>>> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 04:14, Jason Smith <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 09:52, Adam Kocoloski <> wrote:
>>>>> Excellent, thanks for testing.  I caught Jason Smith saying on IRC that he
>>>>> had packaged the whole thing up as an escript + some .beams.  If we can 
>>>>> get
>>>>> it down to a single file a la rebar that would be a pretty sweet way to
>>>>> deliver the repair tool in my opinion.
>>>> Please check out
>>> I think you mean
>> I think it is important that we package and release this, if it is ready. We 
>> should link to it from the bug description page, the project home page, as 
>> well as blog about it, etc. What is the point of working feverishly on a 
>> recovery tool if we don't go the last mile?
>> I am testing it now on my database directory to make sure it doesn't harm 
>> anything (I was never subject to the bug, which is probably where most 
>> people are, but they might run it anyway.)
>> As it stands the submodules thing can't be part of the release, we need to 
>> package it up as a single zip file or something.
>> Is there anything else that needs to be done before we can release this?
>> Chris
>>> -- 
>>> Jason Smith
>>> Couchio Hosting

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