nice, it is very snappy. I could see this would encourage more use.

The home link is out of sync with the FrontPage. 

Oddly I'm not able to clone the github source without first cloning it. Anyway 
the issue with the home link seems to be in profileReady/mustache.html, it 
points to "index" which is a WIKI page not yet created

I can certainly live without email notifications. I don't need anymore email

On Aug 13, 2010, at 1:48 AM, J Chris Anderson wrote:

> Devs,
> With the help of code from Sebastian Cohnen and Paul Davis, I've imported the 
> wiki currently at to a CouchApp.
> Here it is:
> The work is still preliminary. I haven't vetted all the content, and the wiki 
> software itself still needs to be polished. But I think in the long run we 
> will be better off as a project to host our wiki on CouchDB.
> First of all, the response time when you click a link will be faster (yay not 
> being a slow cgi script!) Second, the code is a CouchApp, so not only will we 
> all be able to help improve it, we can easily replicate the wiki offline for 
> editing, etc.
> In the long run it would make sense to ship a copy of the wiki with CouchDB 
> (or at least make replicating a local instance of it super-simple).
> There are some missing features. The most notable one that I don't plan to 
> implement, is email notifications of changes to pages. I haven't added Atom 
> feeds of recent-changes yet, but I think that can make up for the missing 
> email feature. What do you think? If email is crucial to migrating away from 
> MoinMoin, it is possible. 
> The other missing feature that I think is critical, is some built-in way to 
> revert to old points in the history of a page. Currently history is stored 
> but to revert would require writing some more code.
> Code is here for those who want to hack:
> Hope you are as excited about this as me!
> Chris

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