On Aug 13, 2010, at 7:56 AM, Robert Dionne wrote:

>>> The home link is out of sync with the FrontPage. 
>> Thanks. I'll think about how to fix that. I'd like to avoid deploying the 
>> CouchDB version of the wiki as a fork of the basic Pages codebase, so maybe 
>> it's worth it to rename FrontPage to index, and put a pointer (or redirect) 
>> to index on the FrontPage.
>>> Oddly I'm not able to clone the github source without first cloning it.
>> You broke my brain. Come again?
> sorry, I should have said "forking" When I tried to git clone your repo 
> locally it kept failing, so I forked in github and cloned that.

hmm, it worked for me (tried a fresh one from the anonymous url), but it took a 
while, so maybe you just hit a timeout.

> I have a background in logic so I tend to use a lot of Yogi Beraisms :)

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