Agreed. That sounds like a good plan. I'd just want to ensure that the
Erlang side can be installed as a release and run as a release, or included
as apps, to a project and run without a problem. This can be complicated by
having the build system do so much with the configuration files. Which is
why I simply put them in priv and reference them that way. But something can
be figured out.


On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Noah Slater <> wrote:

> On 4 Nov 2010, at 00:33, Tristan Sloughter wrote:
> > What complex stuff is the build system dealing with?
> Everything outside of "erlc" :)
>  - VPATH builds
>  - Configuring the install to find the location of C libraries
>  - Customising the install for users
>  - Setting up the system infrastructure for CouchDB to function
>  - Making sure things work across platforms
>  - Building customised versions of binaries and scripts
> > I'm separating the
> > config file (and similar files) problem and the icu and couch_js problem.
> I
> > was hoping building those few C files wouldn't be bad, but I guess that
> is
> > not true from what you are saying?
> Doing the build system for an operating system daemon is Hard.
> > I'd still say it should be autotools, or whatever, inside an Erlang build
> > system.
> Basically, I would like to see the new build system separate the package
> into two components. The CouchDB OTP application, which is build using some
> Erlang appropriate build system (like rebar, or whatever) and everything
> else. Everything else is handled by Autotools, like it is now. Autotools is
> also responsible for delegating the Erlang work off to the other build
> system.
> A good way forward would be:
>        - Decide the minimum set of files needed for the Erlang build.
>        - Sandbox them into a directory along with the build files.
>        - Create a file in that directory.
>        - Hook the new system into the Autotools system.
> That should work.
> We get to keep teh AWSUM POWAH of Autotools, and have an OTP app. :)
> Valediction,
> N

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