Hi all,

With the announce of another /couchdb fork/project embedding couchdb/ I
think it's the perfect time to define ourself for next releases.

What will be CouchDB 1.2 or 2.0, what do we target, what is our
timeline. What is the CouchDB core that will be used by other projects
basically. Having a defined timeline, ie defined deadlines for freeze,
release, ... is important in this context. It means that releases don't
depend on external factors: we, the Apache CouchDB project follows its
own agenda.  There are other reasons for that of course.

So can we try to define this time a good old roadmap? What will be the
next couchdb?

For me:

- Plugin support
- improved CouchApp engine
- Improve possibilities to integrate CouchDB in other projects
- Clean API, so couchdb features can be called more easily in other
  erlang programs or plugins

Other feature I wish:

- Official Apache CouchDB clustering layer plug
- Official Search Plugin based on Apache Lucene that can be used like
  riak search or cloudant search

... and you ?

- benoƮt

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