On 8 Feb 2011, at 09:33, Dirkjan Ochtman wrote:

> Most of all, I want a better schedule/insight into the release
> process. Even when reading the dev list, it's completely unclear when
> I might expect the next release or what the blockers are. Releases
> seem to just keep slipping, or maybe releasing isn't a very big
> priority, at least that's what it looks like from the outside.

The current release cycle goes something like this:

        a. Make a release

        2. Add features and test them for a while

        d. Schedule a new release following consensus request

It's a little more complex than that.

For step 2, we follow the roadmap that is generated in JIRA. That is, the 
roadmap is constantly maintained through ticket work and ticket maintenance. A 
link to this is even included prominently on the project homepage. We have 
found that maintaining a HTML roadmap separately to JIRA is too much trouble. 
Or, at least, we could infer that from the fact it was never updated by anyone. 
The roadmap (as a JIRA view) is effectively discussed on this list, and then 
codified through the tickets. I think that's Good Enough. And if it's not, then 
maybe we need to be smarter about how we use JIRA.

As for step d, this tends to be a consensus based thing. Usually, one of two 
things will happen. Either the time since the last release will start to grow 
too large, or the amount of features added will. In both instances, discussion 
usually starts to bubble up on the list, and this quickly results in a new 
release being prepared. The only thing that tends to slow that process down are 
release blockers. Like the last release. These tend to be heavily discussed on 
the list. I also think that this is Good Enough.

[1] http://s.apache.org/couchdb-roadmap

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