On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:18 PM, Adam Kocoloski <kocol...@apache.org> wrote:
> I believe the _security object should be versioned in order to ease 
> synchronization of the object between databases.  This proposal is motivated 
> (unsurprisingly) by BigCouch, which typically stores multiple copies of each 
> database in a multi-master configuration.  When the _security object is 
> written in BigCouch the update is issued to all available shards.  We run 
> into problems if an update is issued while some shards are unavailable, 
> because we don't know how to synchronize the divergent copies once all the 
> shards are back online.
> In my head I see us representing the _security object using a #full_doc_info, 
> just as we would a document.  Unlike documents the _security object (or a 
> pointer to it) would still be written in the header of the database for fast 
> access during request processing.
> I haven't quite decided what I think the API should look like, e.g. whether 
> the full document API (including attachments?) should be supported.  Regards,

In the spirit of re-using existing working components:

How do you feel about migrating to a blessed _local/security document?
Maybe its latest version could be cached in the header for speed?


* Couch gets (conceptually) simpler rather than more complex
* It's versioned, you get full doc semantics
* It doesn't replicate, but 3rd-party tools can pseudo-replicate it as needed
* Design documents can enforce policies: if(doc._id == _local/security
&& doc.members.length == 0) throw {forbidden:"This database may never
be public"}

Eagerly awaiting a list of cons :)

Since the _security object is conveniently glued to databases but not
replicated, I have been tempted to overload it to store per-database
security settings. There is the CORS discussion, but even simple

{ "admins": {"names":[...], "roles":[...]}
, "members": {"names":[...], "roles":[...]}
, "read_only": true
, "create_only": true
, "delete_only": true
, "changes_only_allowed_on":"thursday"

// validate_doc_update
function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) {
    // read_only, create_only, delete_only obviously aren't true at the
    // same time, just making a concise example.

    // Read-only example
      throw {forbidden: "This database is read-only"};

    // Create-only example
    if(oldDoc && secObj.create_only)
      throw {forbidden: "This database is create-only"};

    // Delete-only example
    if(!newDoc._deleted && secObj.delete_only)
      throw {forbidden: "This database is delete-only"};

    // Changes only allowed on Thursday left as an exercise.

However I have not done that because I'm not sure if it is "with the
grain" in CouchDB. Maybe these are best swallowed up into the ddoc
itself. (But then when I replicate, now I have to quickly update that
ddoc for that database's security environment.)

Iris Couch

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