On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 23:38, J. Lee Coltrane 

> > For what it's worth, a CLI based test system is what I was imagining
> > as well. Take Futon out of the mix and test CouchDB.
> IMO, If CouchDB is intended to be a server that can be accessed from
> the browser directly, then there should continue to be some kind of
> browser-based test suite that would serve to confirm this capability.
> I have been looking closely at the Futon tests in 1.1.0 for the last
> several days, with the idea that I might begin to clean them up a bit
> as time permits.
> I have found that, while some of these test failures are totally bogus,
> *some* of them actually do stem from real issues -- minor
> incompatibilities between CouchDB's http interface, and the internal
> mechanisms of modern browsers (XHR, caching, etc).
> These are problems that we're not going to catch with a stateless,
> cache-less http client running on the CLI.  (I can provide examples)
> These issues have the potential to cause real problems for
> developers of real browser-based apps "in the wild".  That means,
> there's valuable info to be gathered from the browser tests, Iff we
> can clean them up, and make them behave consistently; so that
> when they fail or succeed, we can actually trust the results.
> After digging around a good bit, I can see no reason why the existing
> tests couldn't be cleaned up and made to work correctly in all current
> versions of major browsers.  I also see no reason why the same tests
> couldn't be used successfully from the CLI and `make check` as well.
> I do see significant benefits to using the same javascript test code in
> all environments we test.
> -Lee
> (irc: coltr)

Verify Installation could grow into a suite of browser/futon tests that
verify that futon (and apps in general) work, including interactions with
proxies and the like.
The test suite for developers should run cleanly from the CLI as part of
make check, but continue to be exposed in futon. We should work to be sure
they function as well as possible, for the reasons you provide.

I think the JS testing situation is a great place for people to jump in and
help out, especially with the browser environment diversity.


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