On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Noah Slater <nsla...@tumbolia.org> wrote:
> Copying in the CouchDB developer list.
> I have not done any work for Debian for a number of years now. People have,
> on occasion, said that they were interested in taking up the CouchDB
> packaging work. I guess that never happened. Is anyone else prepared to
> step up here?

I was for a long time. Many reasons for why I left, including...

> We'll be releasing CouchDB 1.2.0 soon, and it would be super awesome if
> that ended up in Debian shortly after.

The long and short of it is that Debian does not want versions of
packages to be added to its repository that will not be supported over
the long term. This is their policy and should be respected,
regardless of your feelings about it (political patches welcome?).

The problem is that CouchDB is a productive project. Releases come out
at regular intervals and very old versions are usually not supported.
For example, I doubt anyone thought 0.11.0 would be a LTS version, but
it made it into Debian stable. Now Debian's expectation is that
critical and security patches would be back ported to it from new
versions instead of pushing new versions of CouchDB into stable until
a new Debian release, at which point a new package version would be
considered for stable.

The two project's models simply do not match up. Once I saw this, and
a few other things happened, I decided to pull out and am now of the
opinion that it is up to Apache CouchDB, Cloudant, and/or individual
community members to provide these packages.

Luckily source installs are very simple on Debian and Ubuntu,
especially when compared to CentOS/RHEL.


Sam Bisbee

> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Jens Rantil <jens.ran...@telavox.se> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I saw that you are the maintainer of the Debian CouchDB package.
>> Currently, the CouchDB package is lagging behind quite a lot (there is a
>> major leap in version number between stable (0.11) and testing (1.1.1)). Is
>> there any way/possibility to create a backport package of CouchDB to make a
>> modern version of the package available to unstable?
>> Regards,
>> Jens

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