On 25 March 2012 21:28, Nick North <nort...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1
> Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
> Windows 8 Consumer Preview x64 ( on VMWare Player)
> Firefox 11.0
> Signature: is there a missing .asc file? I didn't see the signature file,
> but am probably missing something obvious.

I noticed that I didn't upload them at same time as the shas etc,
they're there now. Sorry!

1.2.0_otp_R15B.exe.asc although they were missing up until
> Md5 & sha OK.
> No malware detected.
> End-user verification OK.
> Futon tests passed on Win7 with the usual exception of our friend
> replicator_db, with the usual error:
> Assertion failed: expected 'null', got
> '{"_id":"foo666","_rev":"1-8f008c4354eb07d5fbfc399a84bc88a1","value":666}'

We shouldn't be seeing that anymore. Do you feel like running this in a debugger
and seeing what breaks?

> Futon tests passed on Win8 with the exception of view_compaction, which
> says:
> Assertion failed: resp.view_index.disk_size < disk_size_before_compact

If you gently re-run that a few times does it come right? I had varying results,
still digging on what the issue is in this one.

> I vote +1 on the rounds that the replicator_db error seems well-known and
> not a genuine problem, and issues with Win8 can't really be addressed until
> the final release of the OS. I was not prompted for a restart after
> installation, by the way.
> On 25 March 2012 18:49, Dave Cottlehuber <d...@muse.net.nz> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to call a vote on the following Windows binaries based on
>> the concurrent Apache CouchDB 1.2.0 release artefact from git:
>> 654768d32bae3639756c18b200582093aa51f349
>> https://people.apache.org/~dch/dist/1.2.0/
>> These have been built using Microsoft SDK 7.1, and includes the
>> following 3rd party code:
>> Erlang R14B04 or R15B
>> OpenSSL 0.9.8r
>> wxWidgets 2.8.12
>> Mozilla JavaScript 1.8.5
>> cURL 7.23.1
>> ICU 4.6.1
>> Inno setup 5.4.3
>> Please follow the test procedure before voting:
>> https://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Windows_Binary_Releases
>> We encourage the whole community to download and test these
>> release artifacts so that any critical issues can be resolved before the
>> release is made. Everyone is free to vote on this release, so get stuck in!
>> A+
>> Dave

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