On 25 March 2012 19:49, Dave Cottlehuber <d...@muse.net.nz> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to call a vote on the following Windows binaries based on
> the concurrent Apache CouchDB 1.2.0 release artefact from git:
> 654768d32bae3639756c18b200582093aa51f349
> https://people.apache.org/~dch/dist/1.2.0/
> These have been built using Microsoft SDK 7.1, and includes the
> following 3rd party code:
> Erlang R14B04 or R15B
> OpenSSL 0.9.8r
> wxWidgets 2.8.12
> Mozilla JavaScript 1.8.5
> cURL 7.23.1
> ICU 4.6.1
> Inno setup 5.4.3
> Please follow the test procedure before voting:
> https://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Windows_Binary_Releases
> We encourage the whole community to download and test these
> release artifacts so that any critical issues can be resolved before the
> release is made. Everyone is free to vote on this release, so get stuck in!
> A+
> Dave

Not above talking to myself...

+1 #workshere

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