Might another solution be to add "dev@couchdb.apache.org" to the Github
repos. Wouldn't that mean that new comments would be posted to the list? If
we could do that, it would side step the entire problem. (Namely: exposing
these discussions to the dev list.)

Can someone think of a way to do this that absolutely does not give anyone
on the dev list the ability to take over the Github account. (One of the
problems with emails being set up to a ML address...)

On 15 March 2013 12:16, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I'd like to bring two things to your attention:
> https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/43
> https://github.com/cloudant-labs/couchdb/pull/18
> These just happen to be two pull requests I looked at today, there are
> more.
> On the one hand, this is great. Obviously. Any sort of constructive
> activity happening around CouchDB is great.
> But on the other hand, this discussion is core development discussion, and
> should be happening on the dev list where everybody can see it.
> (This is foundational stuff for an Apache project. Community building
> should be focused around the mailing lists. I get that Github is useful for
> people, but we're not a Github project, so our activity should not be
> happening there.)
> I don't know what to suggest. Obviously, I think pull requests are great.
> And I think the forking model of Github is great, because it allows people
> to contribute more easily, and in a manner that suits them.
> But on the other hand, we shouldn't be having important development
> discussions in pull requests. The PR isn't even against the Apache CouchDB
> mirror. It's against a Cloudant fork! (So even less likely that folks are
> going to see it.)
> Perhaps one of the policies we could document is that discussion of pull
> requests must be brought to the list.
> That is, if a PR comes in to the Apache Github mirror, then we make a
> polite comment on the PR that points them to the mailing list thread and
> asks them to participate in that forum, so the maximum amount of devs can
> see and contribute.
> We could also say that if you have a fork of CouchDB, and you're planning
> to contribute the work back to Apache CouchDB (as is the case with the
> Cloudant fork) that you do the same with any PRs that are made to your
> repos.
> A sample template comment could be as follows:
> ==
> Thank you for the pull request!
> This is a mirror of the Apache CouchDB project, so many of the committers
> do not monitor it for comments. Instead of discussing this pull request
> here, I have started a thread on the [developer mailing list] and I invite
> you to participate!
> ==
> Additionally, the mailing list thread, or the first reply to it, should CC
> the original author.
> One alternative to this (which is a bit of a mess, I know) is to write
> an integration that copies Github comments to the mailing list thread, and
> mailing list posts to the PR. Not sure that would work with forks of the
> main mirror, however.
> Thoughts? Flames?
> Thanks,
> --
> NS


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