It's the other way around. If the next release removes jquery.couch.js
then it gets called 2.0.0. It doesn't imply we wait for "2.0". The
version *only* conveys compatibility, that's the semver way.

On 27 November 2013 12:01, Alexander Shorin <> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Robert Newson <> wrote:
>> A major version bump (not to mention, a discussion) is needed if we're
>> to remove a long-standing component like jquery.couch.js. For my part,
>> I'm -1 on removing it having heard no good reason for doing so.
> Agreed with this. So the only chance to make it is the 2.0 release.
> Otherwise we have to continue support inside CouchDB project.
> --
> ,,,^..^,,,

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