On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 4:06 PM, Simon Metson <si...@cloudant.com> wrote:
> If the library is getting taken out to be maintained in an external repo why 
> not just maintain it in the asf one? The reason for deprecating it would be 
> to be honest that it’s not maintained code, if someone is maintaining it then 
> great, keep it in!
> That it’s not used by fauxton is immaterial imho.

There are some thoughts about in the related ticket:

Deprecated means that it becomes excluded from the CouchDB project.
Probably, the word "deprecated" isn't correct one for this case.

Personally, I have nothing against jquery.couch and if it will left in
main repo it will be fine. But if no part of the project will use it
(after fauxton  stable release), it's reasonable to ask what it does
in the source tree and wouldn't it be better to move it outside of it?
That's all the talks (:


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