On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org>wrote:

> "Recent commits in the bigcouch branch redoing some
> work already done in rcouch (coming from a 2 years experience"
> Work done in rcouch is not sacred, does not necessarily go into couchdb
> master without editing or review by anyone else, and that applies to
> bigcouch as well. As you should know, bigcouch also builds with rebar but
> *differently*. I am expending time and effort to find a way to make it all
> work together. Please stop this attitude.

Sorry? Where do you see I am saying it's sacred.

All I am saying is that it would be a lot more productive time for both
if instead of putting code from each other branches without
consultations, we could sit around a branch and start to put the code
where we have the experience in.

And don't get me wrong here, I don't imply you don't know what you do.
But I put a lot of time, working on this code with others in rcouch,
during 2 years, so it is a lot easier for me to go on it. I don't see
the point at all to start a new thing on a branch which wasn't planned
at the beginning of the merge. This is why I didn't included any
optimizations from rcouch and bigger changes in couch core so it can be
merged easily.

I was hoping from more cooperation and feedback, like commenting on the
code or saying if a particular piece is wrong and alike.

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