
It’s largely because we’re all busy with wholly bigcouch internal things on our 
1843-feature-bigcouch branch, there’s nothing *yet* to cooperate/feedback 
about. The closest thing is the bit I’m hacking on ("Build with rebar").

I agree that we should not be inventing new things during the merge, but then I 
saw you were splitting out parts of couch_httpd elsewhere, which counts as that.

Before bigcouch can be merged, it needs to build and run and perform as many of 
the features as possible, that simply can’t happen until 'make' works. I 
deliberately started from your rebar.config.script rather than the code that 
bigcouch uses (which uses Scons) as it’s the right approach. That it’s not 
identical is not a problem, in my opinion, but we can judge that at merge time. 
It needs to work first.

I appreciate your "during 2 years" comment but let’s not go there, I can pull a 
larger value, as can everyone else at Cloudant, but that’s going to be tiresome 
and divisive and it achieves nothing.

Short version: If it was as simple as dropping in the rcouch versions of these 
pieces, I’d have finished a week ago. Software is not so simple.


On 4 Feb 2014, at 15:43, Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Robert Samuel Newson 
> <rnew...@apache.org>wrote:
>> "Recent commits in the bigcouch branch redoing some
>> work already done in rcouch (coming from a 2 years experience"
>> Work done in rcouch is not sacred, does not necessarily go into couchdb
>> master without editing or review by anyone else, and that applies to
>> bigcouch as well. As you should know, bigcouch also builds with rebar but
>> *differently*. I am expending time and effort to find a way to make it all
>> work together. Please stop this attitude.
> Sorry? Where do you see I am saying it's sacred.
> All I am saying is that it would be a lot more productive time for both
> if instead of putting code from each other branches without
> consultations, we could sit around a branch and start to put the code
> where we have the experience in.
> And don't get me wrong here, I don't imply you don't know what you do.
> But I put a lot of time, working on this code with others in rcouch,
> during 2 years, so it is a lot easier for me to go on it. I don't see
> the point at all to start a new thing on a branch which wasn't planned
> at the beginning of the merge. This is why I didn't included any
> optimizations from rcouch and bigger changes in couch core so it can be
> merged easily.
> I was hoping from more cooperation and feedback, like commenting on the
> code or saying if a particular piece is wrong and alike.

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