We could institute a "SOS" type thing where people can request a
timeout on a change to properly review or discuss it. And we can put a
time limit on it. So you'd say "I'd like to request we back out X
changeset and discuss it." And then you have like Y days to get
consensus on what to do about it. But it's still a consensus based

That gives you your emergency brake power, but without allowing PMC
consensus to be unilaterally overridden by an individual.

On 20 July 2014 00:17, Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:
> On vetos, I’d approve of restricting them to release branches (of any 
> repository) but I’m wary of wording it that finely (that is, leaving us 
> unable to veto something objectionable that falls outside of that description 
> when regular ASF rules would otherwise have permitted one).
> To the notion that we have no vetos at all. I do understand the appeal and I 
> will give it some more thought but I’m currently unconvinced. I’m unsure on 
> which side the burden of proof lies here, but I tend to agree with Noah that 
> it’s on the side of those that wish to preserve the power of veto (like 
> myself).
> I hope we’d all agree that there are hypothetical cases where a code change 
> can be damaging without being obviously broken. It might be that just one 
> person is able to see that damage and the appropriate response is a veto (a 
> -1 vote on the code change while it’s in review). It would obviously come 
> with a description of the problem, but it might take some time to explain and 
> unpack that explanation. The veto prevents it hitting master (where it is 
> theoretically releasable).
> I don’t think that’s too contrived (I can think of a few code changes that 
> needed this response) and I don’t think it will happen often, but I think it 
> *will* happen. Without vetos, perhaps things are no worse in practice? The 
> main difference would be that the brokenness would appear in otherwise 
> releasable branches (and be reverted and then redone differently). We do 
> strive to make master always releasable but we only ever assert that property 
> for release artifacts themselves in practice to date.
> I’d like to hear other people’s positions on the 'no vetos' position. I think 
> the topic might even be moot if we formally adopt the RTC policy I sketched 
> earlier. Requiring assent for merges to master covers my basic fear of 
> unreviewed nonsense entering the product unseen.
> B.
> On 19 Jul 2014, at 23:01, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi Noah,
>> I'm making most of the minor tweaks below directly now, except for the
>> copyrighted one - asked 2 grammarians and they agreed on leaving the "by"
>> in. As Jan also agreed I'm not going to bikeshed this one ;)
>> The one section is repeated because it's bold - some people are only going
>> to read the bold and I wanted continuity. I shortened it a little bit for
>> clarity.
>> Onto the vetos:
>> I do not want to restrict vetos *just* to code changes. It should be
>> possible to veto anything that is versioned - docs and design included -
>> but again, this power should be exercised extremely rarely. For instance,
>> if a committer decided to redo the main CouchDB logo without warning
>> the list first, we'd want to veto that.
>> I do agree that the text is a bit off here; "master branch" is insufficient,
>> as commits to e.g. the "1.6.x" branch should be vetoable as well. Thus I
>> am changing this to read "...release branches (master, 1.6.x, etc.)"
>> From discussion, it sounds like you want to eliminate vetos entirely. I am
>> undecided as to whether or not I am comfortable with this change. I'd like to
>> hear others' viewpoints before deciding for myself. Either way, the bylaws
>> represent the current policy, and I think this captures that adequately.
>> -Joan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Noah Slater" <nsla...@apache.org>
>> To: "Noah Slater" <nsla...@apache.org>
>> Cc: dev@couchdb.apache.org, "Joan Touzet" <woh...@apache.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2014 4:12:07 PM
>> Subject: Re: [NOTICE] Updated Bylaws - final readthrough before vote
>> Here goes, via email:
>> "bolded text     for" (formatting error?)
>> "copyrighted by" (the original "copyright" here is more correct I believe)
>> "will be supported by a healthy community over time" -- was originally
>> "seen to by", meaning, code will be produced by the community. I
>> believe this edit changes the meaning
>> "taken on those mailing lists" -> "taken on the mailing lists"
>> "A contributor is someone who adds value, content or supports the
>> project in some way." -- was originally "is contributing to". I don't
>> understand why this has changed. There's no need to clarify, perfectly
>> fine to just say a contributor is someone who contributes. It's a
>> simple definition because it's a simple concept. No need to complicate
>> it.
>> "Community" -- would add "(community management, marketing, etc.)"
>> "(which includes management, design, UX, branding, marketing...)" -> "
>> (blogging, design, UX, branding, etc.)"
>> "(includes globalisation/internationalisation and examples)" ->
>> "(docs, examples, l10n/i18n, etc.)"
>> "Managing confidentially-reported security issues" -> "Managing security 
>> issues"
>> Cut " to drive most of these tasks as they arise."
>> "uses the Apache STeVe approach" -> "uses Apache STeVe"
>> "are made on our mailing lists via" -- cut "on our mailing lists",
>> redundant info
>> "If lazy consensus cannot be reached and discussion does not result in
>> general agreement on a course of action, move to a vote." -- seems to
>> be a repetition of the preceding para? Would also replace "general
>> agreement" with "consensus" so we're using the same term throughout
>> "If a change is made to project assets that a committer determines
>> will adversely impact the integrity of the project, committers can
>> exercise veto power." -- disagree with this sentence. Too broad. We
>> need to very carefully think about what we are going to allow vetoes
>> on. When we discussed this on IRC, I suggested it was any code changes
>> to a shippable branch of a source tree. I stand by that. But think we
>> should have this discussion on the ML and agree on it before moving a
>> summary to the bylaws.
>> Most of the above is minor. The last point is a major issue though.
>> Thanks again for picking this up and driving it Joan!
>> On 19 July 2014 21:58, Noah Slater <nsla...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Joan, how would you prefer my feedback? Edits made directly to the
>>> doc, or via email? There are some things I'd like to change.
>>> On 17 July 2014 06:23, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> After discussion with Noah Slater today, and as discussed in the CouchDB
>>>> IRC meeting today, I will be driving the bylaws and CoC through to votes
>>>> and formal adoption.
>>>> Based on unaddressed comments in the previous mailing list discussion, I
>>>> have updated the proposed bylaws text. Those updates are here:
>>>>  https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40511017
>>>> Changes made since the last version can be viewed here:
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/diffpagesbyversion.action?pageId=40511017&selectedPageVersions=70&selectedPageVersions=69
>>>> The primary changes were:
>>>>  1. Bolded text now serves as a intro guide for new participants and
>>>>     highlights the important points of which they should be aware.
>>>>     This should make absorbing the long document easier for newcomers.
>>>>  2. Reworked text in the veto section to clarify misinterpretations.
>>>>     There *are* some semantic changes here, so please re-read this
>>>>     section carefully.
>>>>  3. Compromise on the COPDOC section: acronym removed, concept remains.
>>>>  4. Various grammar edits for clarity.
>>>> At this point, the bylaws are mostly stable, but there may remain some
>>>> tweaks to the text necessary to ensure they match how we have been
>>>> running the project for some time now. We (the PMC) acknowledge that
>>>> they are not perfect, but we do not want to let the perfect to be the
>>>> enemy of the good (thanks to Voltaire), so we're moving ahead with them
>>>> in the state they're in.
>>>> Further, use of these bylaws, or especially any loopholes or imprecise
>>>> language therein, as a weapon against others acting in good faith is
>>>> neither within the spirit of the bylaws themselves nor considered
>>>> acceptable behaviour - and will be dealt with accordingly by the PMC.
>>>> It is my intent to call a formal vote on these bylaws as of Monday, June
>>>> 21. PLEASE take the time to make a final read-through and get any
>>>> corrections to me before then.
>>>> Per the proposed terms in the bylaws, this non-technical vote will
>>>> be by majority approval with no vetos allowed. Further, ALL ACTIVE
>>>> COMMITTERS are respectfully asked to cast their vote at that time.
>>>> -Joan Touzet
>>> --
>>> Noah Slater
>>> https://twitter.com/nslater
>> --
>> Noah Slater
>> https://twitter.com/nslater

Noah Slater

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