Summary of IRC Meeting in #couchdb-meeting at Wed Nov  4 19:02:24 2015:

Attendees: michellep, jennmoneydollars, Kxepal, sebastianro, tonysun83, 
michelle_, rnewson

- Preface
- CouchDB 2.0 status
  - Info: CouchDB testing party (fixing javascript test suite) every day since 
8 p.m. CET and till the green build. Everyone welcome! (:
- Open floor
- Fauxton
- Open floor

IRC log follows:

## Preface ##
[Wed Nov  4 19:03:06 2015] <Kxepal>: I think we'll start with our most 
important topic - CouchDB 2.0. Feel free to announce yours too (:
## CouchDB 2.0 status ##
[Wed Nov  4 19:04:31 2015] <Kxepal>: ok, so there is the status: we'd fixed all 
erlang tests and now only javascript ones holds us from the beta.
[Wed Nov  4 19:05:30 2015] <michellep>: how what happens once in beta
[Wed Nov  4 19:05:57 2015] <Kxepal>: there is a branch where jan____ and 
sebastianro working on them: but 
they are going somehow slow. we need to help them!
[Wed Nov  4 19:06:52 2015] <sebastianro>: true, maybe prioritizing into must 
and should can help; I'd stick what I'd see most important list_view on
[Wed Nov  4 19:06:54 2015] <Kxepal>: michellep: once it's beta we need to start 
polish things to make the release: announce wide user testing, fix last bugs 
and compatibility issues, fix documentation, fix release generation etc.
[Wed Nov  4 19:07:12 2015] <sebastianro>: so beta is a milestone?
[Wed Nov  4 19:07:40 2015] <Kxepal>: e.g. beta means no more features, only 
important bug fixes and clear strait way to release.
[Wed Nov  4 19:07:50 2015] <Kxepal>: sebastianro: yes, closest one.
[Wed Nov  4 19:08:03 2015] <michellep>: maybe we can have a testing party
[Wed Nov  4 19:08:39 2015] <sebastianro>: like online and everyone grabs one?
[Wed Nov  4 19:08:47 2015] <Kxepal>: that's will be awesome. I, mar-ia and 
vatamane had such over the week for erlang tests and this was very productive.
[Wed Nov  4 19:09:05 2015] <michellep>: :D yea
[Wed Nov  4 19:09:27 2015] <michellep>: also it will help people that want to 
help, but don't know how to start
[Wed Nov  4 19:09:32 2015] <Kxepal>: sebastianro: yes, online test-fix-coding 
party. not for the whole day, but few hours per day over the week is enough to 
handle most of our issues.
[Wed Nov  4 19:10:15 2015] <sebastianro>: when it's later in the evening (CET) 
I'm in
[Wed Nov  4 19:10:26 2015] <Kxepal>: true. because js test suite is not a 
trivial thing /:
[Wed Nov  4 19:11:19 2015] <Kxepal>: sebastianro: me too. let's try then. I'll 
help with erlang side.
[Wed Nov  4 19:11:38 2015] <Kxepal>: because it's what we need to fix as well 
to make js works.
[Wed Nov  4 19:12:07 2015] <sebastianro>: true - and be it postponing to 2.1 - 
but s/o like you can judge it
[Wed Nov  4 19:12:12 2015] <Kxepal>: btw you probably would have to revert etag 
tests because our last fix revived old fixed blocker back to live /:
[Wed Nov  4 19:13:04 2015] <sebastianro>: will check
[Wed Nov  4 19:13:53 2015] <Kxepal>: sebastianro: if we could fix known bugs 
for 2.0 - better do that. postponning is for the last resort solution.
[Wed Nov  4 19:14:19 2015] <sebastianro>: sure
[Wed Nov  4 19:14:58 2015] <Kxepal>: so what the time is good for you for the 
[Wed Nov  4 19:16:06 2015] <sebastianro>: me: 8pm CET (like the meeting 2day). 
michellep (& others): what about you?
[Wed Nov  4 19:16:30 2015] <michellep>: this is an okay time for me
[Wed Nov  4 19:16:43 2015] <Kxepal>: I'm fine with this as well
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:03 2015] <tonysun83>: this time is fine for me as well, will 
this be a daily thing?
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:14 2015] <tonysun83>: ahh per day i see
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:17 2015] <jennmoneydollars>: hiii
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:24 2015] <jennmoneydollars>: ~*long time no irc*~
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:33 2015] <michellep>: hi jennmoneydollars
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:34 2015] <Kxepal>: tonysun83: I don't think that one day will 
be enough to us /:
[Wed Nov  4 19:17:45 2015] <Kxepal>: jennmoneydollars: hi! welcome back! (:
[Wed Nov  4 19:18:09 2015] <michellep>: yes lets have multiple days, so if 
people miss one day they can join the other days
[Wed Nov  4 19:18:44 2015] <Kxepal>: #info CouchDB testing party (fixing 
javascript test suite) every day since 8 p.m. CET and till the green build. 
Everyone welcome! (:
[Wed Nov  4 19:19:33 2015] <sebastianro>: we'd use #couchdb-dev?
[Wed Nov  4 19:20:05 2015] <Kxepal>: yes, it's fine and will nudge other devs 
to join us or help (:
[Wed Nov  4 19:20:50 2015] <rnewson>: oh hai
[Wed Nov  4 19:21:02 2015] <Kxepal>: rnewson: hi!
[Wed Nov  4 19:21:10 2015] <michellep>: hi rnewson
[Wed Nov  4 19:21:55 2015] <rnewson>: what's the current state of js test 
suite? It's been a couple of weeks since we started the push to really fix it 
[Wed Nov  4 19:22:25 2015] <sebastianro>: I'd say less than halfway through
[Wed Nov  4 19:23:03 2015] <michellep>: i think just jan____ and sebastianro 
have been working on it, so we are going to have a testing party so other 
people can help out and get help to help
[Wed Nov  4 19:23:24 2015] <rnewson>: ok, that would be great.
[Wed Nov  4 19:23:29 2015] <rnewson>: It's the last thing before beta
[Wed Nov  4 19:23:36 2015] <sebastianro>: ;-)
[Wed Nov  4 19:23:40 2015] <rnewson>: the only other thing I think we need is a 
list of breaking changes
[Wed Nov  4 19:24:20 2015] <sebastianro>: can't one be compiled from the other 
(at least in parts) - I mean diff tests and check what's different / no more in 
[Wed Nov  4 19:24:48 2015] <Kxepal>: rnewson: once we fix the tests I'll make 
this. because now it's not clear what we leave broken and what we'll fix. same 
etag for views for instance.
[Wed Nov  4 19:26:04 2015] <Kxepal>: sebastianro: that will help, but I think 
we'll also would need to ping pouchdb team as they have more wider api coverage 
with tests than we.
[Wed Nov  4 19:26:19 2015] <michellep>: i think everyday is too much to have 
the party maybe tuesday-wed-thursday
[Wed Nov  4 19:27:11 2015] <sebastianro>: sounds good to me - one can work 
offline b4/after
[Wed Nov  4 19:27:28 2015] <michellep>: :)
[Wed Nov  4 19:28:16 2015] <Kxepal>: fine (:
[Wed Nov  4 19:30:26 2015] <rnewson>: there's a PR to fix view etags (by 
removing them)
[Wed Nov  4 19:31:21 2015] <Kxepal>: rnewson: it eventually set them as 
[Wed Nov  4 19:31:27 2015] <Kxepal>: iilyak fixed that long time ago
[Wed Nov  4 19:33:08 2015] <rnewson>: no... this PR was recent, last few days
[Wed Nov  4 19:33:14 2015] <rnewson>: we currently send random uuid
[Wed Nov  4 19:33:35 2015] <Kxepal>: yes, I'm about what it does if you apply 
[Wed Nov  4 19:34:34 2015] <sebastianro>: but wasn't the solution removing them 
[Wed Nov  4 19:35:12 2015] <rnewson>: yes
[Wed Nov  4 19:35:15 2015] <Kxepal>: I would say it's workaround...but so far 
[Wed Nov  4 19:35:19 2015] <rnewson>: for small values of solution 
[Wed Nov  4 19:38:47 2015] <Kxepal>: ok, I think we know what to do with 2.0 
for the beta (: moving on?
## Open floor ##
[Wed Nov  4 19:40:46 2015] <Kxepal>: well, I don't have any else topics for 
today /: may be anyone else has something?
[Wed Nov  4 19:40:54 2015] <michelle_>: i have fauxton news
[Wed Nov  4 19:41:01 2015] <sebastianro>: can't wait
## Fauxton ##
[Wed Nov  4 19:41:08 2015] <michelle_>: :D
[Wed Nov  4 19:41:16 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: the floor is yours (:
[Wed Nov  4 19:41:43 2015] <michelle_>: alright, Ben Keen and Eytan worked on a 
notification center
[Wed Nov  4 19:41:49 2015] <michelle_>: let me find a picture
[Wed Nov  4 19:43:47 2015] <Kxepal>: COUCHDB-2770
[Wed Nov  4 19:45:32 2015] <Kxepal>:
[Wed Nov  4 19:46:17 2015] <michelle_>: are the box links working?
[Wed Nov  4 19:46:28 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: I don't have flash to check
[Wed Nov  4 19:46:58 2015] <Kxepal>:
[Wed Nov  4 19:47:06 2015] <Kxepal>: but video is attached there ^^
[Wed Nov  4 19:47:25 2015] <michelle_>:
[Wed Nov  4 19:47:33 2015] <michelle_>: ^^ i just took that picture
[Wed Nov  4 19:48:09 2015] <michelle_>: robertkowalski: added a table view to 
the document cards view port
[Wed Nov  4 19:48:46 2015] <sebastianro>: this one is great!! - and I guess one 
can bring in a lot more (in 2.1 ;-) )
[Wed Nov  4 19:49:02 2015] <michelle_>: :D
[Wed Nov  4 19:49:42 2015] <michelle_>: i am going to do a new npm release 
every 1st of the month, so npm should be fresh each month
[Wed Nov  4 19:50:03 2015] <michelle_>: but people are still free to do a new 
version whenever they want throughout the month
[Wed Nov  4 19:50:41 2015] <michelle_>: that's all for fauxton news
[Wed Nov  4 19:50:57 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: don't forget to update rebar 
commit fix when you roll new release. because now fauxton is very outdated on 
[Wed Nov  4 19:51:33 2015] <Kxepal>: and I'm not sure if it safe to pin the 
recent commit there...
[Wed Nov  4 19:51:33 2015] <michelle_>: ok i will learn how to do that
[Wed Nov  4 19:51:47 2015] <michelle_>: once a month?
[Wed Nov  4 19:52:20 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: if it's fine for you - good. at 
least you'll be sure that master is in sync with one of your releases.
[Wed Nov  4 19:52:28 2015] <Kxepal>: might be helpful at somepoint.
[Wed Nov  4 19:52:51 2015] <michelle_>: ok
[Wed Nov  4 19:53:46 2015] <michelle_>: i will learn how to do it before the 
dec 1, so i can do it when i update the npm version
[Wed Nov  4 19:55:08 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: ok, ping me or rnewson for the 
help with.
[Wed Nov  4 19:55:16 2015] <michelle_>: :D
## Open floor ##
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:02 2015] <Kxepal>: I think we'd done for today...and our time 
is running out.
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:13 2015] <michelle_>: i'd like to change the favicons 
everywhere so that they have a transparent background
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:25 2015] <michelle_>: before the big release
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:26 2015] <tonysun83>: need to drop off, I just got the js 
test suite running, will ask more questions tomorrow during the bug bash
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:30 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: don't you fear IE?
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:39 2015] <michelle_>: what do you mean
[Wed Nov  4 19:58:56 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: iirc IE doesn't like 
transparent things...
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:12 2015] <michelle_>: :/
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:13 2015] <Kxepal>: tonysun83: nice! see you tomorrow then! (:
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:17 2015] <michelle_>: even in the favicon
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:23 2015] <michelle_>: favicons!
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:41 2015] <michelle_>: ok i will think about ie favicons
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:42 2015] <Kxepal>: michelle_: favicons are hard btw:
[Wed Nov  4 19:59:51 2015] <michelle_>: but i plan to bring this up again
[Wed Nov  4 20:00:09 2015] <Kxepal>: +1 for this in anyway (:
[Wed Nov  4 20:00:15 2015] <Kxepal>: ASFBot: meeting stop

Meeting ended at Wed Nov  4 20:00:15 2015

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