I think this is a great idea and would in the end attract also more committers 
to participate in developing CouchDB. Thanks for bringing up the initial idea.

All the best


Andy Wenk
Hamburg - Germany

GPG public key: 

> On 16. Aug 2017, at 19:06, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
> Following-up to my own email, the slowest part of doing the 2.1 release
> (other than fixing the tests!) was getting good release notes done.
> Not all of our commits have issue #s associated with them right now.
> In the future if we move to a PR-only approach we'll have better
> metadata...
> The release notes were greatly improved by inclusion of direct text
> by Nick on the replication scheduler change. I'd love to see similar
> land directly in docs/src/whatsnew/X.X.rts for the ddoc_cache change
> or any other feature work going forward.
> -Joan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joan Touzet" <woh...@apache.org>
> To: dev@couchdb.apache.org
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 August, 2017 11:46:45 AM
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Moving to a stricter quarterly release cycle?
> I wrote up the entire process right now here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COUCHDB/Release+Procedure
> It's not terribly onerous, but there are a few manual steps.
> Preparing an RC is 6 commands. Publishing it is another 8 commands.
> The slowest part is waiting on SVN to upload everything. Pushing an
> actual release is virtually identical to an RC prep + upload.
> Mac and Win binary building is semi-automated but needs a bit of work
> before it's part of our automated process. We also need a donated
> Win build machine to run those builds automatically.
> The binary uploads to bintray can be more automated using the API
> keys but I've not fully explored the option.
> Our automated scripts to help release maintainers do a release have
> not been updated for the 2.x series yet.
> We want to be careful about "fully" automating the process, as
> certain things (like PGP signing a release) should still be done by
> hand. And the fact that our RC tarballs can't just be renamed and
> released as official releases means the release process is slightly
> more complex than rename-and-reupload.
> -Joan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Paul Davis" <paul.joseph.da...@gmail.com>
> To: dev@couchdb.apache.org, "Joan Touzet" <woh...@apache.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 August, 2017 11:00:00 AM
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Moving to a stricter quarterly release cycle?
> I can see all of 3, 4, and 6 month release cycles. Before committing
> to this I'd like to see what the current process is like and how much
> "work" is actually involved. Theoretically if this were a "bump
> version number, write email, push button" sort of situation then I'd
> be quite happy going this route. However if there's hours of manual
> work then it gets to be a little more of a PITA. Also, automating most
> of it would hopefully prevent different committers from doing releases
> slightly differently.
> So, +1 to the general idea with the caveat that I'd like to look more
> at the tooling before making it a project commitment.
> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 1:55 AM, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'd like to consider moving us to a regular every-3-months release
>> cycle. Under this plan the next CouchDB release would be on or
>> around 1 November 2017. The next few releases would be around 1
>> February 2018, 1 May 2018, and 1 Aug 2018 again.
>> The recently achieved "clean test suite" milestone will allow us
>> to achieve a better release quality, and should enable this faster
>> pace of releases. It should be a lot easier to cut a release,
>> knowing it is clean - I am hoping that others can help here.
>> Perhaps we can set up a 4-way rota for releases; if I could get 3
>> more committers to volunteer, we'd each only have to run 1 release
>> a year!
>> We would still accelerate any point releases required for security
>> over and above this, and we would skip any releases where we
>> simply have nothing to commit (in which case I'd be nervous about
>> the future of the project!)
>> This isn't a vote, but feel free to +1/0/-1 with comments if it
>> makes it easier for you to respond.
>> -Joan

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