Hi everyone,

I'd like to consider moving us to a regular every-3-months release
cycle. Under this plan the next CouchDB release would be on or
around 1 November 2017. The next few releases would be around 1
February 2018, 1 May 2018, and 1 Aug 2018 again.

The recently achieved "clean test suite" milestone will allow us
to achieve a better release quality, and should enable this faster
pace of releases. It should be a lot easier to cut a release,
knowing it is clean - I am hoping that others can help here.
Perhaps we can set up a 4-way rota for releases; if I could get 3
more committers to volunteer, we'd each only have to run 1 release
a year!

We would still accelerate any point releases required for security
over and above this, and we would skip any releases where we 
simply have nothing to commit (in which case I'd be nervous about
the future of the project!)

This isn't a vote, but feel free to +1/0/-1 with comments if it
makes it easier for you to respond.


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