On 07.04.2013 21:09, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
Unfortunately, in this particular case, there is no such thing like "Rat",
but there are

a) the Rat Maven Plugin (uses Plexus Utils internally, hence Maven style)
b) the Rat Ant Tasks (uses Ant pattern matcher internally, hence Ant style)
c) the Rat CLI, which probably uses native Java patterns (dunno)

My suggestion would be to switch to either Ant, or Maven anyways. (At
least, I assume that Allura has got a build script.)
We do, but actually it's only there for convenience use with test server. Had it not been the case, we probably wouldn't bother as Allura is written in a dynamic language and the notion of "building" is kinda alien in this world. So I wouldn't count on every project to have build script :)

I'll probably resort to writing some simple build script in Ant for the moment, but from a user standpoint I would definetly expect for commandline to be compatible with pattern files for other "Rat's", as you outlined. It is only reasonable to be able to test these patterns with Rat c), without having to use an entirely new build system or to switch from existing one, which ASF projects are probably accustomed to and which may arguably suit their needs better.

Regards, Peter

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