I wrote my previous answer on a phone and it is not 100% correct.  I was
considering the output of the CLI --help command and that logically the
options could be grouped .  It may make sense for the ReportConfiguration
to be composed from several smaller Configuration objects that capture
those logical groupings.  However, that is a discussion for later.  This
change is about how we present the configuration options in the UIs,
specifically the command line version.

On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 6:38 PM Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:

> The base configuration is currently stored in the Config class.  Some
> things are hard coded and some are read from the environment. I have been
> thinking that it would be nice to have a file that contains all the
> arguments and read that to simplify multi app configurations.
> I think this file would need to be read first and then any additional
> command line options applied.
> To answer your comment about the configuration.  There is one
> ReportConfiguration.  It is constructed and populated by the various UIs.
> The UIs then construct a Reporter class and pass the configuration to do
> the work.
> So the configuration is common across all UIs.
> On Mon 13 May 2024, 14:15 Jochen Wiedmann, <jochen.wiedm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 9:45 AM Claude Warren <cla...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > I think that we should do the following:
>> ...
>> > create a licenses section in the configuration.
>> >
>> > --licenses : a list of files to be read as license files.
>> > --licenses-approved : a list of license IDs to approve.
>> > --licenses-approved-file : A file containing license IDs to approve.
>> > --licenses-no-default : An enumeration of DEF (do not load license
>> > definitions), APPROVAL (do not load default license approvals)
>> Not exactly sure, what you refer to as "the configuration". However,
>> I'd like to expand on your idea by proposing that we ought to have not
>> only "license files" in the source tree (or external from the source
>> tree in another shared location ), but also a configuration file,
>> which controls Rat in the absence of command line options / Maven
>> properties / Ant arguments. Basically, by simply invoking Rat, the
>> configuration would be specified by the configuration file only. The
>> purpose of command line options / Maven properties / Ant arguments
>> would be to overrule the configuration file.
>> Jochen

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