I finally had some time this weekend to give 4.0.0rc3 a run. The install
and configuration instructions worked perfectly on my Linux laptop and I
was able to use CVD to run the clinical pipeline successfully against some
of the clinical notes I have here.

However, I ran into a problem when I tried running my own customized
pipeline that includes a custom dictionary that I create (to include the
SNOMED veterinary extension). I get an exception while it's loading that
the dictionary is not the correct version. So, I assume I just need to
recreate that custom database? Or is there a migration utility from the old
database version to the new version?

I don't remember seeing mention of this, but certainly could have missed
it. If it's not in the release notes or install/upgrade instructions it
probably should be there.

Thanks to everyone for pulling this release together and getting it out the

- Dave

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