Daniel Kulp wrote:

- ensuring the multiplicity of conduit beans configured alongside a
failover selector is consistent with the set of ports defined in the
WSDL, as the CXF static failover strategy is based on burning the
alternate ports into a multi-port service definition in the WSDL.

Well, this COULD actually remove that limitation. A FailoverSelector could have a bunch of conduits configured via configuration (like roundrobin) and failover from one to the other. Thus, the failover stuff would work for code first cases much better. If the FailoverSelector doesn't have any conduits coming in from spring, it could use the multi-port strategy it currently uses.

Yeah, that makes sense all right in the particular case of the alternate addresses being taken from the WSDL. Encoding the alternate addresses in <wsdl:port>s versus configuring the same info in the <jaxws:conduit> would be similar strategies in the sense that in both cases the cluster is statically defined (i.e. of fixed size and membership, modulo changes to WSDL or config, which would generally require a restart/refresh in the client).

But I also had in mind the case where the addresses are retrieved dynamically from some external agency, such as a registry service. I've built an example of this approach in another project which is layered over CXF. In this case the cluster is dynamically assembled, and no specific addressing info is statically burned into the client's WSDL (or config).

Now in this latter case, there's a slightly different possible use-case for the <jaxws:conduit> wiring. Instead of using this mechanism to inject the target addresses (and other config) for individual conduits, we could instead have a place-holder "abstract" conduit bean containing only non-address config to be used for any concrete conduit instance (of a particular type) created for this proxy over its lifetime, including any failover events.

So for example, suppose I wanted to ensure that AllowChunking was always set to false for a particular proxy because I suspect there's a bug in the server-side stack's support for HTTP chunking (real-life example from our own in-house interop testing). And say I'm using my registry-mediated faliover strategy. In this case it would be neat to just do something like:

  <jaxws:client name="{http://apache.org/hw}MyPort";>
        <ref bean="RegistryMediated"/>
       <http:conduit name="{http://apache.org/hw}MyPort.http-conduit";
           <http:client AllowChunking="false"/>

and have the AllowChunking="false" applied to *any* HTTP conduit created for this proxy over its lifetime.


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