I'd definitely prefer if the excpetion was on of the I18N things.   A 
LARGE chunk of our users are actually from China.  According to google 
analytics, China is #2 after the US.   It's definitely important to keep 
the option open to make this stuff localizable.  ESPECIALLY for 
configuration things where a non-developer might need to make changes.  
More "admin" like tasks.   

Note: if you have a Logger, you already have the bundle.   The i18n 
message can take the Logger instead of the bundle.


On Monday 06 October 2008, Christian Schneider wrote:
> Hi all,
> when there is a problem with the configuration i currently throw a
> simple RuntimeException. I think this can be handled better.
> I have found a class ConfigurationException but it only accepts a
> message as i18 Message. Should this class be used? I do not like that
> much that it always needs a resource definition.
> Is internationalization for config errors that usefull? Whenever I got
> a german exception I had much problems trying to google for it. So I
> personally like english exceptions.
> Another possibility would be to throw an AssertionError. As it is for
> example an assertion that a certain property is not null.
> Any ideas?
> Greetings
> Christian

J. Daniel Kulp

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