Hi Sergey,

it is possible to execute bundles as RESTful resources on Felix without the need for JAX-RS annotations or the CXF libs? Felix has a full-featured HTTP bundlified server?


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

no problems at all - your questions are welcome.

I know DOSGi does not run under J2ME(I tested the single distribution and
it didn't go far)

What happened during that test ? Just curious...

I haven't worked with J2ME so I don't have any recommendations, sorry...

cheers, Sergey

Demetris-2 wrote:
Sergey one more question if you don't mind - you probably saw some of my earlier postings with Benson regarding running Web Services on mobiles. I can easily run KF or Equinox on mobiles and I can run some SOAP-based engines (ksoap-osgi) and open source Web Servers. I am leaning towards running REST-based services on mobiles - I know DOSGi does not run under J2ME (I tested the single distribution and it didn't go far) so I am hoping to follow another avenue along the same lines. If you have any advice on this I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks and regards

Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Yes, we do, it is the CXF JAXRS implementation which is embedded inside
DOSGI RI but given that the RI is based on CXF it's probably can be
expected. But DOSGi is an open spec.

Can I conceivably run this particular REST GreeterService and its
client on any OSGi Web
Server (how about Knopflerfish) with the  JAX-RS libraries.
You should have no problems publishing (RESTful) services on Knopflerfish
the DOSGI RI DSW component relies on the OSGI ServiceListener. It won't
possible to run the (REST GreeterService) client on Knopflerfish though
untill it implements the relevant OSGI spec (RFC 119 ?), but it should
be too difficult to do. In meantime the only option on the client side is
load the bundles containing code explicitly consuming a remote service
(using proxy-based or http-centric api)...

cheers, Sergey
Demetris-2 wrote:
In other words, without trying to make this too convoluted, my question is do you guys use your
own implementation of JAX-RS (instead of Jersey etc.).

Thanks again

Demetris wrote:
Hi Sergey,

I followed up on your info below in the distribution baseline - thanks, things are making a bit
more sense now.

Can I conceivably run this particular REST GreeterService and its client on any OSGi Web Server (how about Knopflerfish) with the JAX-RS libraries. I do see you are using Felix and
Equinox in your examples so I am assuming the answer is yes.
What do you guys add to such a service with the cxf-dosgi-ri-singlebundle-distribution_1.0.0? The reason I am asking is because I want to connect the REST service with its client by
over p2p instead of over HTTP.


Sergey Beryozkin wrote:

Have a look please at


it is indeed virtually identical to a soap based greeter demo but
the difference is here :


(note JAXRS annotations)

and here :


(has no annotations at all) but GreeterService2 uses this model :

some more info is here :


hope it helps

-----Original Message-----
From: Demetris [mailto:demet...@ece.neu.edu] Sent: 23 September 2009 08:13
To: dev@cxf.apache.org
Subject: D-OSGi and REST

Hi Sergey,

    you mentioned in the blog that users can now expose bundles/beans

SOAP and
REST services. I looked over the example listed on the D-OSGi web site but both Greeter examples are the same for SOAP and REST - unless I am missing something.
Do you have any examples of RESTful bundles?


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