Sergey Beryozkin-5 wrote:
> Don't really get it... Or is it the case of someone missing the point that
> some users of CXF just do not want to use Spring ?

I don't know, I just think it would be nice if there was a separate Apache
Banana project that consists of Spring but with its JARs renamed and
packages renamed from org.springframework.* to org.bananaframework.*.  That
way our code would be based on an established framework that's easy for
developers to understand while at the same time truthfully allowing us to
say that there's no Spring in our source code.  Keeps the developers happy,
keeps the pointy-haired bosses happy.

What do you do at work if you're using Spring's InitializingBean but your
boss says not to use Spring?  OK, Spring's Apache licensed, so you take the
class, rename it to org.whatever.InitializingBean, and copy it in your code
(keeping the copyright header, of course) and you're done.  Apache Banana
would serve as a one-stop formalization of that effort that all developers
can quickly use.


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