
> Few more comments. I agree, the way Tasks and Endpoints are currently
> shown is nice.
> - Can you please consider having both ManageEndpoints and Filter links
> located under the "Tasks" ? And have Endpoints shown first, with the
> "Tasks" in the bottom of the pane ? Ultimately, the user just wants to
> see the list of endpoints. Creating/deleting the endpoints and
> applying filters is critical but I'd just prefer the "Tasks" not to
> feature as the main activity of the LogBrowser users...

I'm looking at it again and I kind of like it, the way the pane looks
now, so I'll let it up to you to decide how the final layout should
look like. May be try to move the Tasks to the bottom of the pane and
if you like it then update the code, if not then lets leave the things
the way they are now at the moment :-). I'm sure we'll get some
feedback later on too...

thanks, Sergey

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