Hi Tomasz -

thanks for looking into it - yes, lets try to get it back to normal.
Lets see if we can realistically work with GWT - effectively we need
to decide at some point if GWT is what will be used for other similar
tasks, for getting the log files downloaded, for having another tab
showing the list of managed components, etc.

Cheers, Sergey

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Tomasz Oponowicz
<tomasz.oponow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've tried to create couple of screenshots but I figured out that
> nothing is working:
> - exceptions in sample project;
> - exceptions in development mode;
> I'm fixing this.
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Tomasz
>> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Tomasz Oponowicz
>> <tomasz.oponow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Sergey,
>>> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > I've finally managed to spend a day today working on Windows, and I did
>>> > get
>>> > the exception when using IE too, though, IE itself does subscribe to the
>>> > log
>>> > feed without problems.
>>> Grrrr.... I will investigate this one. Can you provide stack trace and
>>> other details (use case, browser version etc.) ?
>> The exception was something to do with "null", I'll need to run the browser
>> in the dev mode to get more details.
>> It's Windows XP/IE7
>>> > There's definitely something unstable there which is a pity, it's been a
>>> > great effort from Tomasz and with the ability to search the logs, it's a
>>> > feature to miss, it could've been used nicely in conjunction with the
>>> > the
>>> > push logging, i.e. critical events are reported asap and then an admin
>>> > can
>>> > do a more through analysis of the logs, rather than having all log MBs
>>> > sent
>>> > across the network
>>> >
>>> > But it does look it works for some people, so we just need to document a
>>> > bit
>>> > how to use it as a Maven dependency, untill we figure out what is
>>> > happening,
>>> >
>>> > Tomasz, can you give me a favor please and update the LogBrowser page
>>> > with few lastest images as I can't get them myself ? I will add some
>>> > info to
>>> > the Migration Guide (Maven deps, how to set things up, etc).
>>> Good point. I will update it.
>> Please - a couple of snapshots, with some description on how to add a new
>> endpoint, will help.
>>> > One thing I'm thinking about is we basically get rid of GWT code dealing
>>> > with showing the lists of log entries (top-right panel) and just use
>>> > HTML
>>> > returned from the log feed. GWT will only be used to offer the list of
>>> > endpoints, filters, etc, and may be in time we can just replace GWT with
>>> > something lighter/simpler.
>>> If you decide that GWT is too big overweight for such a simple task, I
>>> can rewrite this using Javascript/JQuery/HTML (but firstly let's fix
>>> this bug).
>> OK. I'll try to get more details. And may be you can reproduce something
>>> > Tomasz, AtomPullServer has getAlternateFeed and getAlternateEntry
>>> > methods
>>> > and they serve HTML as opposed to XML feeds.
>>> > RSSBandit reader on Windows is very good in that it shows alternate
>>> > feeds
>>> > and entries properly.
>>> > I think GWT should have some browser support, so if you could make the
>>> > top/right panel a browser window which will only show the alternate
>>> > content,
>>> > as part of the frame, such that whenever log entry links are clicked,
>>> > the
>>> > output is directed to the right-bottom pane..
>>> > Do you think it will make sense ?
>>> Firstly I will try to fix the bug in the normal way but if there won't
>>> be any other solution I will replace current implementation with
>>> "getAlternateFeed" and "getAlternateEntry".
>>> I will update documentation and fix the bug on Monday.
>> Great, please update the docs if you can.
>> Thanks, Sergey
>>> Thanks!
> --
> Best regards,
> Tomasz Oponowicz

Sergey Beryozkin

Application Integration Division of Talend

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