
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Ryan Zoerner <ryanzoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> I am wondering about the 'finally' block in the
> 'public Object invoke(Exchange exchange, Object request)' method of the
> JAXRSInvoker class.
> For me, it is line numbers: 113-139.
> These lines call the resourceProvider to release the object instance in
> certain cases. Is this something that
> we can exclude from the JAXRSEJBInvoker? Should the bean manage all of its
> lifecycle based on the
> annotation or lifecycle-type (as when declared in xml)?
> In the InvokerFactory model, it releases the instance. In that model, the
> invoker plays the role of the resourceProvider
> by containing the Factory.
> I went through the CXFEasyBeansInvoker from easybeans, and compared it with
> the Jonas version, by commenting each
> line or group of lines with their location in the Jonas/CXF version. I think
> that now, we need to:
> Get the bean instance from the factory and use java.lang.reflect.Method to
> invoke the method.
> After the method is invoked, the bean is released. The InvokerFactory does
> that by way of the Invoker in the Jonas model.
> The Jonas model has JAXWSInvoker (with no invoke methods) managing other
> aspects of cleanup during invocation.
> The EasyBeansCXFInvoker invoke(w/ 4 params) method, contains, all the way
> down to the exceptionHandling, the essentials
> of the EasyBeans portion of the invocation. The remainder is common to
> AbstractInvoker.
> Right now, then, I am looking at JAXRSInvoker. If
> serverFactory.setResourceClass() won't work, how will we adjust it to allow
> for @Stateless, @Stateful, etc. annotations? I think that it currently
> throws an exception for an unknown annotation.
> Also, I've noticed that the JContainer3 has a method for creating a factory
> for itself. I am wondering about passing in factories.
> How will the factories be created? How will the IDeployable be created? I
> was thinking about passing that in to the RP and
> creating the factories that way, but maybe it would be better, somehow, to
> create the bean instance somewhere.. where??,
> and pass that into the RP, which can then invoke the JContainer3's start()
> method, which calls createBeanFactories(), which
> calls both createMessageDrivenBeanFactory and createSessionBeanFactory. So,
> passing the bean in, seems to be the,
> now, preferred, method, however, where and how is the bean going to be
> created? Do we declare it as a resourceClass?
> It does not seem to be focused on as being a class, in Easybeans, rather,
> the focus seems to be that of the entire deployable
> package or folder or archive.
As I said earlier on, I'd go and deploy CXF JAXWS EJB endpoint, you
will learn how Easybeans picks up
CXF JAX-Ws service class. You'd need then to follow a similar process
for JAX-RS. The sooner you do it the better, ask questions on
easybeans list, deploy the JAX-WS endpoint. You are asking how are we
going to declare resource class in Easybeans -  the answer is in the
way Easybeans/Jonas deploys CXF JAX-WS endpoint.

Cheers, Sergey

> So, I am wondering what you think about the idea of passing the bean in and
> using it to start the factory, but am concerned about
> how cxf proposes to deploy this container? Should I be looking at the
> CXF/Jetty (such as cxfServlet) interface and finding out
> how the bean should be deploying through jetty? or are we just going to have
> the bean resource, lifecycle managed by factory,
> sitting alone as accessible through a servlet?
> I think that I am close to having the invoker finished. My main concern is
> how are we going to get the beans instantiated so that I can
> test them as being deployed? My main concern with the invoker is, what parts
> of JAXRSInvoker correspond to sf.declareResourceClass?
> If that method will not run for EJB annotations, what will become of cri and
> ori? Will we change declareResourceClasses? Will it be
> necessary?
> I just wanted to update you on my progress. The class-scanner in the RP
> might be moved out of the RP into whatever class creates an
> EJB IDeployable and packages it into a bean, returing a factory instance.
> Thanks,
> Ryan

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend - http://www.talend.com

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