
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 4:42 AM, Ryan Zoerner <ryanzoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> I have tested @Stateless in CustomerService.java, from the http basic
> example in jaxrs-samples.
> The annotation appears in the list in
> ServerFactory.Service.ClassResourceInfos[].ResourceClass.annotations.
> Therefore, sf.setResourceClasses does not interfere with the annotation
> being processed, but I had seen it
> throw an exception before, for some unknown reason.
> The point that I was making before is that CXFEasyBeansInvoker is precisely
> the difference between cxf-easybeans
> and CXF-JAXWS-easybeans. Also, the jonas version, which was the second group
> mentioned in the last "between"
> statement, does the Invoker and InvokerFactory. The Invoker does not do
> invoker it just extends jaxwsAbstractInvoker
> and gets and releases resource. Perhaps, similar to RP. I think that there
> is no RP in the Jonas model. The jonas model
> keeps a factory field that is instantiated at construction time, in the
> InvokerFactory. The invoker factory actually manages
> the specific releasing of the pool gotten object.

Custom InvokerFactory is RP for JAX-WS endpoints. How does the actual
invocation is done in JAX-WS case ?
You are saying  Invoker does no do any invocations but it must. It
does use InvokerFactory (RP).

> So. Basically, I think that the InvokerFactory and Invoker from that model
> can be refactored out into RP-- refactored partially.
> Second, if the Invoker extends JAXRS Invoker, it would precisely be the
> EasyBeans version of the Invoker, but with factory-pool
> model, and with JAXRS instead of JAXWS. So, for starters, that is what I
> would recommend to myself as doing next. Then, if it
> needs to be adjusted (JAXRSInvoker) then that would be the other step.
> Perhaps it will now be doing things that are not needed.
> Then, in order to create the EJBInstance, it would be nice to have some
> create EJB Instance method, as described before, which
> would take things like the web.xml file as params, and then create the
> IDeployable, create the EJBInstance, and from that JContainer3,
> create the appropriate factory, since the container already automatically
> selects which factory to instantiate. That factory can either
> sit in RP, which is where these methods might go, or possibly as some
> EJBPackageCreationUtility class that is called by RP, or
> perhaps, factory could be passed to InvokerFactory, but I think that because
> JAX-RS, you might want to keep the RP model.
JAX-WS also uses RP model and it's called InvokerFactory

I'm sorry I don't quite understand what are you saying above about IDeployable.
IMHO, trying to create a solution will be futile without understanding
how pieces fit together for
CXF JAX-WS Easybeans solutions...I also think that our solution would
involve providing a custom RP which will do exactly what
InvokerFactory does, possibly overriding JAXRSInvoker somehow - only
if providing RP alone won't be enough...But again, that is not enough
in itself - you have to confirm it's working and thus you'll need to
deploy JAX-RS endpoint with Easybeans and thus you need to understand
how CXF JAX-WS Easybeans works

thanks, Sergey

> So, there is my synopsis on where the answer is, and if permission, I will
> create the Invoker in the steps that I described here.
> Thanks again,
> Ryan

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend - http://www.talend.com

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