On 08/12/11 18:26, Daniel Kulp wrote:
On Thursday, December 08, 2011 6:15:27 PM Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
Hi Dan

What about having a single target  namespace even with one schema used
by Spring&  2nd - by Blueprint, example:

<!-- Spring -->
<xs:xmlns targetNamespace="http://cxf.apache.org/core";
<!-- Spring-aware schema -->

<!-- Blueprint -->
<xs:xmlns targetNamespace="http://cxf.apache.org/core";
<!-- Blueprint-aware schema -->

This is basically what Aki was trying to do with RM and I kind of objected to
which started the whole discussion.   It more or less goes against the whole
idea of 1:1 relationship between schema and namespace and does cause various
other issues.

For example, we now have a nice .htaccess file in place that redirects the
namespace URL's to the appropriate schema so things like XML editors can
easily pick them up and provide nice contextual information while editing the
XML.    If you have the same namespace mapped to two separate schemas, that no
longer would work and we're right back to where we started with that.

I do agree. Actually, after signing off yesterday I recalled you mentioning an .htaccess file but then figured we may get it redirecting to intermediate pages, such as the one linked to below:

and in principle we'd have a Blueprint and Spring links there pointing to the actual schemas. But then I thought it was kind of a 'warning' sign, we may be able to bypass this issue with linking to the actual schema representation, but it will just back-fire at some later stage; it does need to be a 1 to 1 relationship indeed as you indicated, better not break that...

If we change the areas of core from the Spring specific types to xsd:anyType,
we likely could do it.   That's acutally how the ie nterceptor lists work
already.  I'm honestly not sure why the properties don't already do it that

A good start might just be to identify the areas that are different between
the schemas and just list them out.    If flipping from mapType ->  xsd:anyType
would fix it in all the cases, it might just be worth doing.

Cheers, Sergey


Sorry if I did not clarify what I was actually after; I thought that if
it could work in principle then we'd be able to experiment under the
hood with various techniques which might let us collapse those 2 schemas
into a single one, etc; and when needed do add

http://cxf.apache.org/blueprint/core (using this ns just as example)
which would point to a schema offering something unique to CXF services
deployed on Blueprint

But not sure if sharing the same target ns can actually work :-)

Cheers, Sergey


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