On Aug 6, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Oleg Kalnichevski <ol...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> CXF allows these to be configured on a per-client (and sometimes even
>>>> per- request) basis.    It looks like HC seems to have these on the
>>>> connection factory.
>>> It does not have to be this way. Connections can start off as plain and
>>> later get upgraded to TLS/SSL by the protocol handling code. One would
>>> have to tweak the default protocol handler a bit, though, probably by
>>> overriding the HttpAsyncRequestExecutor#requestReady method [2].
>> Ah.  OK.   I'll take a look there.   I was looking in the various connection 
>> factories and pools.   Haven't looked there yet.   Lots of stuff going on.  
>> :-)
> I also added a CXF specific connection manager implementation in order
> to enable SSL customization based on request configuration. However,
> before I proceed I would like to understand the requirements a little
> better. Can I assume that once an SSL connection has been fully set up
> using request level config parameters and can be pooled and safely
> reused for subsequent requests to the same service (even by different
> users) or requests may contain different / incompatible SSL
> configuration for the same service?   

They may contain different configurations.  Particular different client certs 
if using client certs as the authentication mechanism. 

I found the "state" object to pass into the connection factory and plan on 
implementing a new state object that will attempt to handle that by comparing 
the various values on the HTTPConduit settings.    However, I *DID* run into a 
couple problems that, while I was able to work around them with some hacks, 
they likely should be fixed in the HTTP stuff.  In particular:

1) The "state" object that is passed into the factory is never saved anywhere.  
 IMO, if a new connection is created based on the state, it might be good to 
record that state (or at least make that an option) so the state stuff actually 
works.   I got around this by subclassing the BasicNIOConnPool to override the 
BasicNIOConnPool.createEntry method to add a state object to the entry.   A bit 

2) Lots of issues trying to associate the request with the connection at 
connection creation time.   I needed information from the request in order to 
setup the SSL stuff.  However, I had a LOT of issues trying to accomplish that. 
  The only thing the ConnectionFactory gets it the IOSession.  All that has in 
it is the HttpHost.  The HttpHost is final.   The connect occurs on a different 
thread so thread locals won't work.   Also note that all the fields in 
SSLIOSession are final and private.  Thus, I also couldn't find a way to delay 
the SSL setup stuff till later.  Thus, I had to get the request/connection 
stuff associated up front.  I ended up using a IdentityHashMap to associate the 
HttpHost with the request stuff, but it seemed very hacky.

Not really sure what the right solution would be.   My initial thought was to 
make HttpHost non-final so that I could subclass it with an CXFHttpHost or 
SSLHttpHost or something that would contain extra methods that I could call.   
Alternatively, add a "properties" map to HttpHost or similar that I could store 
additional stuff.   Another option would be to have the IOSession passed to the 
factory also contain the "state" (if specified)  as a property that could be 

Anyway, things are definitely in "ok" shape right now.   Definitely making some 
significant progress.  Slowly but surely.

Daniel Kulp
dk...@apache.org - http://dankulp.com/blog
Talend Community Coder - http://coders.talend.com

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